BTT to trigger AltTab

Hi everyone! I'm AltTab the application switcher. AltTab is set to use CMD+TAB to cycle. Pressing CMD+TAB on the keyboard works as you'd expect with Application Switcher—cycles through the open windows, releasing CMD+TAB selects the window.

I tried to set up a track pad trigger using TipTap Left (1 Finger Fix). (I also experimented with using the trigger to call CMD+TAB instead of Application Switcher. That doesn't work well at all.)

It kinda works except:

My Mac makes a sound (I don't know how to describe it, it's like the "error" sound when you hit a keyboard shortcut that does nothing.)

Tapping my left finger with the middle finger on the track pad cycles through the open windows.

BUT lifting both fingers does not automatically select a window. The open windows remain on screen.

I have to manually select a window with my left finger.

Does anyone know how to make AltTab work with BTT? TIA!!

Maybe not very elegant, but something like this works. Once the AltTab window is open, you can just click.

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here is an example forr using a ttip tiap to the right to movw the seletion in AltTab to riight one space and keep clickiing to keep going right . I also have an accompanying one to go leftt. Justt copy and paste alll this code belown=

    "BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692853914.5108051,
    "BTTTriggerConditionsFormat" : "visible_window_list CONTAINS \"AltTab -  - 101\n\"",
    "BTTTriggerType" : 114,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "TipTap Right (1 Finger Fix)",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
    "BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "RIGHT",
    "BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
    "BTTGenericActionConfig" : "autoAdapt",
    "BTTShortcutToSend" : "124",
    "BTTUUID" : "ADD8652B-4BCC-41CE-98EE-D50606F4CAEE",
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTOrder" : 26,
    "BTTGestureNotes" : "alt tab-swipe"
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Ah, thank you ... this is surprisingly more complicated than I thought.

If I wanna do TipTak left, do I simply replace "TipTap Right (1 Finger Fix) in the script? And further down where it says "RIGHT"?

Actually ... where does this script go? Just opened up BTT and I'm not sure where.

to import script simply copy ALL code text above then goto BTT and goto Traclkpad section and select EDIT-PASTE and BAM trigger will show up. And yyes justt replace witth tip tap left and "right"=left then do same-copy and paste. let me know if u have problems., I have tons of intergrations wiith alt tab and dockAltTab like minimize when trracckpad swipe forr hide, fulll screen eeetc

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Hi @wynstaxxx ! Truly appreciate your help and I'm not purposely being obtuse here, I can't seem to figure out the BTT interface. SORRY IN ADVANCE.

This is what I did:

I don't know where I'm suppose to do EDIT-PASTE. Usually I'm picking something from the options here:

dont create a new triggeerr for tip tap, when you paste code it will create items in tthe UI....simply just select the code above and in BTT in the trackpad section juust go to Edit>Paste or Command+V and thats it you shoud now see new entry in list. paste again to create another opposite direction one that you can edit in BTT or in textEdit progam and then copy paste that

you can try select My Apps in sidebar then paste

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Hi again @wynstaxxx ! I did as you suggested. I did not create the TipTap trigger. I went to the menu bar and did EDIT > PASTE.

I can see this appear:

It's still not working properly. From the UI, is there a way for me to look at the code that I pasted?

Could your code be unique to your BTT installation?

that is it....if you to ADVANCED tab in BTT on the right when clicked on pasted trigger you will see Advanced Conditions tab if you click you will see the code....basiically tells BTT to only trigger tip tap right when Alt Tab is in view and then if it is press the right button

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    "BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692853914.5108051,
    ***"BTTTriggerConditionsFormat" : "visible_window_list CONTAINS \"AltTab -  - 101\n\"",***
    "BTTTriggerType" : 114,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "TipTap Right (1 Finger Fix)",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
    "BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "RIGHT",
    "BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
    "BTTGenericActionConfig" : "autoAdapt",
    "BTTShortcutToSend" : "124",
    "BTTUUID" : "ADD8652B-4BCC-41CE-98EE-D50606F4CAEE",
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTOrder" : 26,
    "BTTGestureNotes" : "alt tab-swipe"

Hi @wynstaxxx ! This is what I see when I click on Advanced Conditions:

When I TipTap (Right) on the track pad, the experience doesn't feel consistent.

Left finger fixed, right finger tap and up — it switches to another window right away.
Left finger still fixed, right finger tap again — switches back to previous window.

AltTab panel seems to appear randomly. When it appears, I can't TipTap (Right) to cycle through windows.

Damn, it seems like I broke pasting advanced trigger conditions. I'll look into that asap.

You can enter this condition manually:

visible_window_list CONTAINS "AltTab -  - 101"
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Hi @Andreas_Hegenberg thanks so much for chiming in, that's reassuring ha!

"BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692853914.5108051,
"BTTTriggerConditionsFormat" : "visible_window_list CONTAINS "AltTab - - 101"\n"",
"BTTTriggerType" : 114,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "TipTap Right (1 Finger Fix)",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "RIGHT",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTGenericActionConfig" : "autoAdapt",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "124",
"BTTUUID" : "ADD8652B-4BCC-41CE-98EE-D50606F4CAEE",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTOrder" : 26,
"BTTGestureNotes" : "alt tab-swipe"

If I modify the code from @wynstaxxx where I bolded it, would this be correct?

Or how can I adjust this in the BTT UI?

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Thank you!

I did that:

and hit Save, but it doesn't seem to be saving. This is how it looks when I click on Advanced Conditions again:

remove the second line, only keep
visible_window_list CONTAINS "AltTab - - 101"

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This is what it looks like in my UI:

Now it doesn't do anything when I TipTap unfortunately. I seem to be doing something very wrong :expressionless:

Unfortunately I currently don't have alt tab installed to check.

Maybe also checkout BTT's integrated window switcher :wink:

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However I figured out what's breaking the paste in @wynstaxxx JSON, BTT can't seem to handle the /n right now. I think it is not relevant to the condition, so possibly try with this slightly modified version

    "BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692853914.5108051,
    "BTTTriggerConditionsFormat" : "visible_window_list CONTAINS \"AltTab -  - 101\"",
    "BTTTriggerType" : 114,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "TipTap Right (1 Finger Fix)",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
    "BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "RIGHT",
    "BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
    "BTTGenericActionConfig" : "autoAdapt",
    "BTTShortcutToSend" : "124",
    "BTTUUID" : "ADD8652B-4BCC-41CE-98EE-D50606F4CAEE",
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTOrder" : 26,
    "BTTGestureNotes" : "alt tab-swipe"
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You're right, pasting your updated code doesn't do anything either, same as before.

But your Window Switcher is super cool! I wasn't aware of that, I might've used something else previously that triggered the CMD+TAB experience. Wow, and it moves the window too :exploding_head:

I'll use that! :heart:

(At some point, just for curiosity sake, I'd love to understand what's wrong with what I'm trying.)