All custom shortcuts and gestures, keyboard and trackpad, stop working at least once a day. I suspect it could be when mac enters some sort of sleep mode. Tried with or without "restart BTT after wake from sleep", the same picture. Not absolutely sure, but very probable that before update to Sonoma it was better or it did not happen at all.
When stops working, it does not respond to any shortcuts. Icons in menubar remain hidden. When I try to launch BTT again, it shows configuration window, which seems freezed or not very responsive, and shortcuts still not working. They only way to restore is to force kill all BTT processes or reboot the computer.
I could not find any relevant data in mac console reports, but have turned on "allow crash log" in BTT settings. Where does it save them, in any case?
Version: 4.353 (also tried latest alpha).
MacBook M3, macOS Sonoma 14.2