Sorry if this has been asked before.
I'm looking for a way to (partially!) bring back the Touch Bar for Macs that don't have a physical Touch Bar (anymore), namely by using an old iPhone SE or iPhone Mini or iPad Mini without SIM and with always-on (no screen lock) as a Touch Bar replacement. As has been noted before, Apple's SideCar isn't compatible with BetterTouchTool's global Touch Bar additions.
But maybe we could recreate this functionality within BTT Remote. Is this possible? I.e. a way to mirror the user's Touch Bar additions incl. icons, groups, subgroups, nested actions etc. in BTT Remote? Maybe even include a full screen mode in BTT Remote for this functionality, which would mirror Apple's dark/black Touch Bar UI design?
I think it's not necessary—and probably not even possible, because there isn't one in the first place—to mirror the full macOS Touch Bar (à la SideCar), and at least for my needs that wouldn't even be necessary. (I'd be happy to just have touch functionality to trigger my individual workflows/scripts/programs, which I would port over from my Touch Bar MacBook Pro.)
BTT Remote, when connected to BetterTouchTool on a Mac via local network, based on the frontmost application & BTT's Touch Bar settings, would (I believe) have to load the relevant trigger UUIDs incl. the global ones, their icons and graphical tweaks, and recreate them in BTT Remote in the iOS or iPadOS UI. (Maybe this data could even be cached on i[Pad]OS to decrease network traffic.)
(Obviously, the UI placement of the Touch Bar icons would have to be different within BTT Remote simply due to the different screen ratio. We could also include a resize option in BTT Remote to include even more triggers than would be possible on a physical Touch Bar.)