BTT now-playing-widget not working: not showing title, play/pause not working

Hi everybody,
I have trouble with BTT's now-playing-widget. It is not showing the current track or play/pauses itunes.
I am using BTT 2.864 on macOS 10.14.5 on a mbp 2018.
This error persists for me now since several BTT updates, I have tried removing, re-adding the widget, restarting both BTT and itunes but those two do not want to communicate. I have also noted that the touchpad makes the force click sound if I tap the widget. Seems strange.
Remark: The standard play/pause on the control strip is also not working for me, but this is the default behavior, I think?
As work around i am currently using an Apple script to fetch track/artist from itunes but this solution is not so smooth.

I hope you have an idea to get it working

Does the now playing widget in the system notification center work? (here the now playing widget works fine using the goldenchaos preset)

Hi Andreas,
no it does not work.


Then I'd try to restart your system, BTT uses the same info as the system notification center widget.

i did the restart.
also some other methods to get the notification center working again. The strange thing is: the other widgets (whether etc.) are working. But not the now playing widget.


ok I found it.
in itunes settings:
General -> Notifications -> Now playing
has to be turned on.
Thanks for your help. You gave me the hint to solve that.


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Good to know! Thanks for sharing.