BTT keeps on holding the previous word on clipboard

Describe the bug
BTT keeps on holding the previous word on clipboard when it runs an action "Insert/Type/Past Custom Text", where I write some text with "(BTT)@clipboard(BTT)" .

In other words, when I copy a new word into clipboard on Mac, BTT does not get it and paste the previous one.

Once I quit BTT, it can get a new word from clipboard.
However, it only happens one time.
When I try the second one, BTT keeps on holding the previous word and past it.

Here is the additional information.
Triger : opt + Leftclick
UUID : F2572D86-A2F6-4C2A-BCE1-463FECACD4C7

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):
Normal Mouse Logicool M705

  • I have already uninstalled "Logi Options"

Device information:

  • Type of Mac:Mac mini 2018
  • macOS version: Ventura 13.0.1(22A400)
  • BetterTouchTool version: 3.952

How does your full setup look like? Do you copy manually or using some BTT functionality?

Thank you for your reply.

1.Here is the full step.

Control 6
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘1 to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘L to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘2 to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘L to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Paste (BTT)@clipboard(BTT) | RNN時事英語辞典
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: to Vivaldi

  1. I made this seaquance by copying from line 3 to 10 and paste it after line 10.
    And then, I changed;
    ⌘1 to ⌘2 in line12
    the URL to new one in line 8

  2. What I want to do here is to open English dictionary web sites with the word I want to learn in Vivaldi browser tabs by one action after copyinging it into clipboard. I want to repeat this seaquence more with a wide variety of dictionary web sites.
    However, I actually did not mention this, I have encountered many other bugs in most of which some actions worked wrong or did not work. It often happens when I chage the order of the actions, but it does without changing any order. Those bugs sometimes seem to be fixed when I delete them once and put the same ones again in the same place.
    Though I tried Safari instead of Vivaldi, same bugs happen.

If you need further information, I am happy to share it.


Hi, do you have any findings or updates for this bug reports?

I wrote some details. I would appreciate it if you would take a look.
Thank you!

but where in that sequence are you copying something to the clipboard?

Sorry for confusing you.
I copy some text BEFORE I start this seaquence.
After I start this seaquece by doing the trigger, BTT paste it based on the command below.


I tried the same seaquence and I encountered the different bug.

This time, the second "paste" command get the text from the first text.
I mean, in the following seaquence, the second "paste" action pastes.

In other words, the (BTT)@clipboard(BTT) in the second "Paste" action gets the text NOT from clipboard BUT from the previous "Paste" action, which is "A=(BTT)@clipboard(BTT)" in this case.

Anyway, I encountered so much bugs in BTT. Actually, BTT has never realized what I want to do due to bugs. To make matters worse, I spent a lot of time to put the same seaquence again and again in order to manage not to happen bugs...I am so frustrated.

Control 6
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘1 to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘L to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Paste A=(BTT)@clipboard(BTT)
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send :return: to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘2 to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send ⌘L to Vivaldi
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Paste B=(BTT)@clipboard(BTT)
Delay next action by 1.00 seconds
Send :return: to Vivaldi