BTT keeps asking to Allow location after Upgrade to Monterey

BTT already has a tick in Location Services.
On resuming from sleep I am asked to Allow location

  • Type of Mac: MBP 13" 2018 4 TB3 Intel
  • macOS version: Monterey 12.0.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: 3.626 (1778)

Unfortunately that's a macOS bug, I think it happens if the location permission database gets corrupted. You could try to run this terminal command to reset the location permission database:

tccutil reset Location

Hi Andreas

tccutil reset Location
returned: Failed to reset Location.

I tried tccutil reset All
That was successful.

I think this has solved the problem and I just have to re-authorise access for all other apps.

Thanks for your help and your ongoing maintenance of BTT