...when opening the BTT configuration window I get a 'very small' third column (- see screen 1- ), which I make each time larger. (screen 2)
Is there a way (in the future) to set/save the BTT GUI window layout, not the size, but the 3 column width (i.e. save the width of the 3 columns in % or so somehow), so that the BTT GUI opens always in the layout as for example in screen 2 .
I would also like some option for keeping the width of the three configuration columns of BTT.
Save/Set the width of the three windows entering three percentages would be perfect.
Another approach wold be an "Automatic arrangement of the configuration columns". This option could arrange the 3 columns as 34% - 33% - 33%, that I suppose it's the most convenient view for the main part of users.
The main problem I am experiencing is when the main window is resized. When I resize the main window, the columns width don't maintain the relation aspect, and it's a little bit annoying to change the widths in these cases.
In the other hand, sometimes when I change of app in the side-bar or I change of trigger section in the upper menu, the widths of columns are altered and I have to re-size them.
Mhm I spent a lot of time on this to get it to a resizing state that makes sense to me, my priority was to keep the right configuration part at the size it was set to for as long as possible and make the left columns resize proportionally. Personally I found this to be a good solution.
Maybe I can allow to change the resizing priorities for the column, but it's really easy to mess up the resizing completely by doing that.
Yes, I can add it for testing. In real usage I don't think it makes too much sense because the config column by its nature has some limit at which width it starts looking stupid (and it gets really complicated when adding maximum widths while enforcing proportional resizing).
Running 4.926 and the new minimum width options are working very well, they are really helpful.
The only brake I see is regarding the difference between screens for users that sometimes use the laptop screen, sometimes a big display and sometimes both together.
Do you think it would be useful to use percentage instead of px? Or to have the option to choose px or %?