BTT ⇨ BTT Remote Shortcut Triggering

First of all, major props for all the intentions included in Mac Siri Shortcuts. I’m assuming it was a fair amount of work for stuff that could mostly be done in the app so thank you.

I’m not even sure if this is at all possible but I’ve been playing in iOS Shortcuts quite a bit lately and the lack of automation triggers is frustrated. I had the thought of how nice it would be to have a more extensive trigger library like in BTT then it occurred to me that there is technically a port where my phone takes to BTT and that’s through BTT Remote.

I know you’ve been busy pretty much completely rebuilding the remote. Would it even be possible to implement intentions into iOS shortcuts that trigger from the MacOS app? Not even sure how that would work but would be w pretty badass feature.

Another feature that I know would be much easier to implement is icon style custom triggers rather than the bar that spans the whole phone. I think it looks much better and it becomes easier to group similar actions. For example: I have triggers for all the alignment setting in illustrator and would love to have them all in a group
I know you’ve been rebuilding the remote basically from the ground up and I gotta say it is hands-down the release I am most anticipating.

So the new BTT Remote will support Shortcuts on iOS, however only to trigger actions that run on the Mac. If I understood correctly you'd want actions that run on your iOS device, correct? (This is not possible as iOS is much more locked down)

You did understand correctly. And yeah I figured as much. Would have been cool. It’s so frustrating that you get like 6 triggers for shortcuts on iOS. The back taps give you a couple more, but it would be nice to have more options so I’m not launching every shortcut from the home screen or Siri