BTT 4.680 Drag Tab to Window Snap not working

Tried it with a few different browsers, didn't work.

Tried it with finder tabs, it worked.

Mac 14.6.1
BTT 4.680

it should work with all apps that support the standard macOS tabs, which browsers did you try?
I think I tested with Safari and Edge

On macOS < 15 this might require the screen recording permissions

  • Tried with Firefox, Floorp, Safari, and Opera.
  • Screen recording permissions already granted.

When you tested, was it on macOS 15?

no, this has been a feature for a long time (I use it a lot on macOS 14 ). However I verified on Sequoia (just checked again). It could be that something else is interfering, but it’s hard to tell :-/

Firefox probably uses non-native tabs, but everything chrome based should work (and safari). Not sure about opera. It can only work if the app uses the native tabbing apis or at least mimics the native accessibility hints.

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