BetterTouchTool version incompatible

I have checking for updates turned off.
Today I was greeted with a dialog, when I unlocked my screen to start work, that wanted to install a new version. I stupidly said yes, go ahead, and I wasted almost 30 minutes before I was able to start work. What a stressful time, since I had a meeting which started 2 minutes before I was able to get BTT working again.

I'm on a Studio with 12.6.2. I had version 3.931 before (according to my backups and I haven't updated in a long time).

I installed 3.935 and restored from an export. Restoring from backups DID NOT work.

Btw, finding the releases was really hard. On the website, the Download button just has the latest or legacy versions. That was a fun 15 minutes.

Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 7.38.25 AM

not sure I fully understand, did the version incompatible message pop up after upgrading?
Did you maybe update & then downgrade again in the past?

Yes, right after the upgrade. The only option was to quit.

I've been running the current version for quite some time. I do believe in the summer I reported a problem and had to downgrade. But, things have been working fine for months.

And, I upgraded after that downgrade, btw, when another user said the same problem I reported had gone away.

I think there must have been a weird database state that caused this.

Problem is, database migration can only happen from lower versions to higher versions. Thus when downgrading BTT, it will try to load a previous database file (it keeps the last few available in order to be able to downgrade). When upgrading again later, BTT needs to decide which database file to base the new version on (the old one or the one from the first upgrade). By default it will use the one with the latest modification date.

I can't tell what exactly has caused this issue because I would need the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool folder, but I believe it must have been caused by a series of down/upgrades

I'd be happy to give you the contents of the folder. How do I share that privately with you?

if you still have it that would be great:

emailed it just now, including the debug directory put on my desktop.