BetterTouchTool Keeps crashing every few mins. Log Attached

BetterTouchTool keeps restarting every few mins. I have the same Presets on a different mac and that doesn't have this problem. I tried reinstalling but that didn't help.

My M1 doesn't have any problems though, it runs the same version of BTT and macOS.

Sys info:

BTT version: 4.361
Intel MacBook Pro 2018. Intel i7, macOS 14.2.1

I pulled in the BTT logs from the console file and seems like there is an exception/crash.

I depend on BTT a lot for my working style with countless triggers/trackpad stuff and it has become really frustrating to use my mac with this issue.

@Andreas_Hegenberg can you please help me resolve this? let me know if you need more info. (13.2 KB)

@Andreas_Hegenberg following up

@Andreas_Hegenberg following up again :slightly_smiling_face:

unfortunately the crash log doesn’t contain enough to identify the issue. Could you go to “help -> export diagnostic debug information” and send the result to ?

Have you already tried the latest alpha version? There have been a few crash fixes recently

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