September 26, 2023, 4:40am
BetterTouch tool is always shown in the list of battery-draining apps:
While nothing much is happening in the system (it is almost idle).
There was similar question before: Battery Drain? Is this expected? but also never answered.
Version: 4.272
Mac OS: 13.5.2
this completely depends on the stuff you have configured in btt. E.g running lots of scripts regularly will cause higher CPU usage
On Apple Silicon machines it’s better due to their efficient cores
September 27, 2023, 5:37am
I'd say I have very minimalistic configuration - around 20 custom keystrokes for launching apps and resizing windows. nothing fancy.
Your BetterTouchTool Apple Script Runner process is doing something, which should indicate some scripts that are running. Maybe send an export of your current preset to me via , then I'll check whether there is anything strange.
September 28, 2023, 5:59am
the issue persist... would be really grateful for an advise
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything weird in your preset.
Is the preset you sent ("clean") the only one you have configured in BTT?
there are some, but all of them but 'clean' are disabled. if you want, I can share those as well.