BetterSnapTool and MacOS Mojave

Have you tried to restart your machine sometimes macOS fixes these databases automatically when restarting...

Unfortunately without that tccutil command it's quite hard to reset the database (would require disabling SIP, then deleting the database file).

Yes, I restarted my machine several times, I've also deleted the TCC.db file in order to make the system create it when restarted. I Installed, uninstalled and reinstalled BTT, I've mainly tried all I could find in google to fix the issue but nothing seems to work.

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Me, Too.
I can not find BST in Accessibility list. And command mode won't work, too.

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HELP! I tried following the instructions but when I got to the Accessibility screen, the BST is grayed out and not able to add or delete anything.

You need to click the little lock icon on the bottom left to make it editable

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Oh duh, it worked! Thank you so much! #LoveMYBST!

My BST has stopped working on my Safari windows. All other windows work as expected, however any Safari doesn't work. This started happening before Mojave OS and now continue through new OS installation.
I tried deleting and re-installing the app with no success.

Hi. Upon updating to 10.14.4, BST will no longer snap for me. I've attempted to follow instructions regarding the accessibility panel, but I'm unable to add it to that panel. It's unlocked. When I click the + and navigate to BST (or even try to drag the app into the pane), nothing happens. So, I'm unable to restore functionality the way others have.

I've also tried resetting within Terminal as described, but am given the 'unsuccessful' message.

You can try this command as well:
sudo tccutil reset All

If that also doesn't work there is only a pretty complicated way to repair it :-/ (BUG: can't add BTT to Mojave privacy/security settings)

Sadly, after trying these steps, still no change.

Even after the complicated steps that involve disabling SIP and deleting the tcc.db file?

Unfortunately in that case I have no idea. Maybe reinstalling macOS is the only way to get that database fixed :frowning:

This will probably affect all apps that need accessibility api access, not only BetterSnapTool.

After more searching, the solution was to enable read/write for the folder containing the tcc.db file. All clear now.

Interesting, thanks for the update!

Hello, running 10.13.6 - tried everything. Most certain it's an App Store problem, but the app just open. Help!

if you recently reinstalled 10.13.6 it is a macOS problem. See

You can temporarily workaround it by running this command:

sudo sqlite3 /Library/Keychains/crls/valid.sqlite3 'delete from serials where hex(serial) = "04CA81F77D5E33F7"'

Thank you. This worked. When you say temporary, do you mean I have tun the command everytime I boot?

Thanks again.