Better touch tool crashing

Hi there,

I am new to mac and I found this tool through reddit decided to purchase the full license. However, every time I open the app, it crashes. I don't know how to explain the problem, I was in the process of making a floating menu. I hope someone can explain to me what the potential bug is.

hey, could you click on “show details” and post the crashlog here? Alternatively it should also be available in the macOS console app under “crash logs”

You can also send to me directly (

I have the same problem every time I open the app, plus my function keys do things they are not supposed to.

I tried sending a crash log, but it says saving and never posts.

thanks for reporting, can you check whether this is fixed in v4.479?

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for responding, it seems to be sorted in v4.479. I also reinstalled the app so that might have helped as well. Thank you.