beginner guide and TipTap

Hello :slight_smile:
I am new to BTT and have a question:
Is there a “guide” for beginners somewhere, where you can see all the functions listed? I know the documentation, but there I have not found, for example, what the TipTap gesture is or how to execute it.
Thanks for your answer!

sorry, there is no such guide but this forum is a good place to learn.

TipTap means

  1. start with 0 fingers on the trackpad
  2. put one finger on the trackpad (usually the middle finger)
  3. immediately tap (touch & release) a second finger left or right of the finger from step 2
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Thank you so much and vielen Dank :slight_smile:
Ich finde es sehr beeindruckend, wie Sie sich die Zeit nehmen, so schnell und kompetent der Community zu helfen! Grüsse aus der Schweiz nach München und Gute Nacht...

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Immer gerne! Grüße zurück in die Schweiz :wink: