Battery usage on sleep, BTT energy impact 300+%

Note: Before bug reporting, please make sure you have tried the latest (alpha) version of BetterTouchTool and that you have already tried to restart your system :-). If you encounter a crash, please attach a crash log from the macOS from the "User Diagnostic Reports" section.

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Something is causing BTT to be active overnight, causing severe battery usage (macbook is plugged in and very warm on wake)

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modt likely caused by the experimental dropbox sync. I’d recommend to disable this completely, it will be replaced by something easier early next year

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Strange.. disabled last night and still having this issue this morning.
BTT energy impact when I turned on the computer with was >1000 with a 12 hour Power of >200.
Of note, it's a common occurrence whenever I wake from sleep that BTT will also ask to renew system permissions as well (though a simple restart of BTT fixes that).

Any other suggestions? I'm worried that prolonged behaviour like this might actually have detrimental impacts on my battery.

Would this be worth re-installing and making a new preset?

Sorry, I didn't read the first post correctly. I thought the CPU usage was 300% - then the Dropbox sync would have been to blame.

However an energy impact of 300 (I don't think this is percent, not sure how exactly this is measured), could maybe also be caused if you have many Apple Scripts running inside of BTT.
What functionality do you use most?

On my system the energy impact of BTT is < 10, but it really depends on what functions you run. The energy impact of my Xcode is also around 300

Would it be helpful to send you a debug or my preset? I mostly use keyboard command shortcuts. There were more scripts previously when I heavily used the touchbar scripting but since upgrading to the silicon macbooks this has been taken out of the equation.

It's so strange - just now, Mac was on sleep for around 3 hours and is piping hot with BTT using >1200 per the energy impact screen...

yes, go to help -> export diagnostic debug information and send the result to me ( I’ll check whether I can find anything obvious

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Sent. Thanks for your time.