I haven't found a way to make this task easier other than to manually exporting the my preset for backup purposes.
@Andreas_Hegenberg is there a way to implement automatic backup of preset(s) somehow, ideally through launchd?
There are various options.
You can either use the export_preset apple script call to export a specific preset.
tell application "BetterTouchTool" to export_preset "PresetName" outputPath "~/Documents/test.bttpreset" comment "someComment" link "https://someLinkToShowWhenImporting" with includeSettings and compress
If you want to trigger this via some shell script you can use the osascript "Launcher" (osascript -e "the apple script here")
Or you could just automatically backup the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool folder
Personally I'm a big fan of Carbon Copy Cloner and use it to automatically back up all changes to my system every 30 min.
Apple's Time Machine also works great, but supports only a minimum of once per hour backups.
Nice, thanks for export_preset
. I use Time Machine, but I back up to an external drive from time to time, so that option is off for me. I do use iCloud Drive so maybe I should just back up ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool
to it.