Has anyone seen or implemented an audio input/output selector preset for the touch bar yet? I've been using a very basic shell script to toggle between two output/inputs, but want to get more advanced with a touchbar group for selecting the one I want to use, and I was wondering if anyone else has done anything similar yet. I'm using SwitchAudioSource from brew install switchaudio-osx in my shell script.
Create a new Button (Name "Receiver", it's an aTV just for audio transmission)
As action I choosed "execute terminal comand (asyncron)"
command "SwitchAudioSource -s Receiver"
Saved everything, but nothing happend...
If I execute the command in a terminal windows it says: "Could not find an audio device named "Receiver" of type output. Nothing was changed."
Checked name with "SwitchAudioSource -a" -> name is correct.
If I choose an internat output like my headphone or a software called "Boom2Device" it works, in a terminal window.
Touchbar button still don't work... Even if I try to change to an internal output
Out of curiosity, why is this not already an easily selectable Action inside BTT? I haven't been able to find a solution for selecting audio output device that works for me yet.