Hi there,
I'm using a 2020 Touch Bar MBP and have been trying to (re)assign the Spotlight function key (Magnifier icon) to something other than running a default MacOS action, Spotlight. I'd like it to take a screenshot of my current screen (like pressing command+shift+3). When I try recording the key in BetterTouchTool UI, it just runs MacOS Spotlight instead of getting recorded. For example, same thing using some other fn keys like play/prev/next/mission control works OK.
I'm using 5.105 with Sequoia. Any ideas?
Unfortunately I don't know, I seem to be able to record it fine:
You could try copying it in manually, but probably it won't work if it is not recognized in general:
"BTTActionCategory" : 0,
"BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1737967637.2173891,
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTUUID" : "B60A5B6C-8AC4-4460-AB57-87B0DD8C0DD9",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 366,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Empty Placeholder",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "8388608",
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "Ő",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 177,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 8388608,
"BTTOrder" : 2,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
Yeah, tried pasting and have added it to the section, but built-in Spotlight takes preference still.
Can I send you some debug logs maybe? Is it something between "old" and "new" keyboard implementations in BetterTouchTool? I am using the default Touch Bar setup and have Touch Bar support disabled on BetterTouchTool.
debug logs probably won't help. It is possible that this is something on Touch Bar Macbook as they had a different keyboard. I'll be in office to check with my Touch Bar Macbooks tomorrow!
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