Arrow Key Repeat Stops Working in Some Apps Until Quitting BTT

Sometimes, when I switch to a text editor like Bear, the arrow keys stop repeating when held down in the editor. Instead, the cursor only moves one character at a time. But when I quit BetterTouchTool, the arrow keys work normally again, and the cursor keeps moving when I hold them down.

Apple M1 Mac mini
macOS Sequoia 15.2
BetterTouchTool version: 5.151 (2025013004)

Do you have some triggers using the arrow keys which might interfere with this? There's the following config:

Thanks for the reply, but no.

I've installed Bear app to check, but I wasn't able to reproduce it. Can you try disabling BTT only for Bear or you have some shortcuts/triggers which you need?

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Possibly check also in BetterTouchTool's recently used section whether any suspicious trigger pops up

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