🆕 [v3.6.9] AquaTouch – The Powerful Touch Bar Redesign.

Thank you. but my Finder have some problems . please help!!

There is noting when I click Finder


Make sure you read the setup instructions and usage guide. They might fix your problems and answer some of your questions.

To see AQT’s finder controls, open finder and just hit the arrow button in the macOS Control Strip. Make sure you have AQT setup correctly in order to see this though. (read the setup instructions!)(make sure the control strip for your macOS TouchBar in System Preferences → Keyboard is turned on)

Alternativley you can try giving the fn key a quick tap with finder selected.

It’ll be helpful if i had a screenshot of your touchbar of your issue. Hit command-shift-6 to screenshot the touchbar.

Hi, I've been trying to add Pycharm to the apps where the gesture strip doesn't appear. So instead of the line, some buttons I've configured appear. Is there a way to achieve this?

Thanks for the great preset!

Hi @Felipeforerome,

Sorry but I’ll be away for the weekend. I don’t have my laptop with me at the moment so I can only reply when I get back. I’ll reply here and help you then.

Sorry for the wait!

Hello! Love the preset. Already tweaked a few things to streamline it for my use. I was curious if you plan on adding a Polymail, Telegram, or Tweetbot bar? I can't seem to make any of my creations work

Hi again @Felipeforerome;

I'm assuming you want to add some PyCharm controls, Here's how to do that:

1. Add PyCharm Activation Group

2. Exclude PyCharm from the unsupported apps

Right click the 'Unsupported Apps' Group and [Edit Conditional Activation Group]

Add a condition as in the picture.

3. Add your triggers

Add the AquaTouch Control Strip Button ('A' symbol), then simply add whatever you want.

(in this case for blender):


4. (optional):
If you don't mind, I'd love it if you share what you make! I'll put it into AQT for all to use, credit given within the code!

Hi @JInxyface,

Thanks for the feedback! I'll see what I can do, they seem like good apps to add since a lot of people seem to be using them.

I did have Telegram in the past but it wasn't very useful as it doesn't have keyboard shortcuts or menu items for what I really wanted to put into it, so for now it's been removed. I might revisit it again and see what I could do though. I think i remember someone had tab switching for it or my memory is fuzzy.

As for the others, I'll need to download them and the usual setup and learn stuff, so they might take a while.

I'll look into these but I don't think they'll come next update as it will be focusing on making AQT more complete as it is before adding more things further.

Yeah, take your time. I've made some very basic things. But I don't any Applescript or anything like that so I can't make anything that great.

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Thanks @JInxyface !

P.S. It would be great if you sent what you added to me! It’ll help me make the sets a lot. Additionally it’ll end up more helpful to the users too since the triggers come from you, with your experience in those apps, as opposed to me with no experience.

This is an option but it would be really great if I could have a copy of what you added! (just remame your preset, export it and drag it into the reply editor here)

Mine sucks, but there is someone else who's made an Anki preset. Might help you out even more if you work with him on his preset

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Hi @yuuiko,

Thank you for the quick rensponse.

Sure, it's not much yet, I'm still watching out for repetitive tasks which I might want to be able to make with one button. I'm thinking of adding some git and debug controls. I'll send you the better version as I add things to it.

Also I added a Genius button to the spotify controls, I rarely share what I'm listening but often want to read lyrics so made that change.

AquaTouch-b3.4.0_Pycharm.bttpreset (22.5 MB)

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Do you use the app switcher in the AQT strip?

I'm experimenting with removing it since people probably just use ⌘tab anyway. It also brings forward the neglected / hard to get to (i think) app shortcuts that actually exist as a matter of fact and are pretty useful:

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Hei man! How are you? It's been a while since I replied in this thread ... In this period I'm still using your ATQ 3.0.4 like my daily preset and here what I noticed after few weeks:

  1. Do you have any problems with VLC preset? Because everytime I've some little problems to close the app https://drive.google.com/open?id=1y65QWuORjebXBVW8KlJ9bWwOxk9Piq3M

  2. In this release AQT it's really solid but I've noticed that it was becoming a little bit more slow :confused:: maybe because they've been implemented a lot of new features .. For example sometimes during my day i've seen refreshed players buttons in the play section of control strip or ... when I open my laptop it needs few more seconds to load it totally.

Tell me if I the only one with this "problems" ... Thanks in advance! @yuuiko

Hey. I am new to Mac world (I got MacBook Pro with TouchBar just a week ago), and after searching for TouchBar related thing I found BTT and (eventually) your preset. I want to say thank you so much for your preset! If I decided to buy BTT, I will support you.

By the way, I want to request something:

  • For Discord, can you include Discord Canary to the list too? It is the same app (but slightly newer in version number). Currently your preset uses fallback gesture mode for Discord Canary. Just copy paste Discord preset and name it Discord Canary.

I'll look for more issues whenever I found it. I hope you don't mind.
Thanks again!

Hi Again @Dom!

Glad to see you're still with me!

  1. It seems that every progress slider keeps reopening their app. This seems to be occurring with Spotify and iTunes too and they all have progress sliders. I'll look into them again but I'm sure they have the 'if app is open' conditions to prevent them from opening their app... Maybe it's because they refresh too fast.

  2. BTT restarts every time the laptop wakes from sleep, so you may see lots of widgets reloading.
    I haven't experienced any slowdown on my side except for the dark mode, microphone mute and DND toggles in the controls AQT strip... (Still not sure whether to keep the loading indicator which makes loading slower, or revert it to display 'off' until they load.)
    I did change how many widgets looked while they are loading though, which is why you may see a lot more notification widgets booting up and disappearing when compared to the older versions. Maybe this is why you feel it loading slower.
    Then again, I haven't done any scientifically timed tests, this is all based on my own experience. IMO, AQT feels smoother than before to me because of the loading improvements, but whatever it is i'll definitely be always optimising AQT. (lookin at you, notification badges)

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Welcome and thanks for the feedback @Link!

I'll definitely add Discord Canary support! No controls have been changed right?

Tip: A Discord Canary Notification Badge is already implemented, go ahead and enable it!

Tip2: you can follow this previous comment to properly add Discord Canary to your current set. Let me know if it all works!

Perfect! I'm glad to hear that, maybe it was only my impression :joy:..

One thing I forgot before it was about your question about app switcher: personally I never used this function, because as you wrote sometimes it's more intuitive to use ⌘tab instead of tap on the touch bar and search for that function.

P.S. @yuuiko if you need any help/advice you just have to tag me and I'll magically appear here XD

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I copied the actions from Discord to Discord Canary and it works! Thanks.
About the notification badge, I have some numbers beside Discord Canary in Dock here, why it won't show up in the TouchBar?

@Link Have you enabled the notification badge in the BTT settings?

If not I'll look into it further

@yuuiko I can't find notification setting in BTT general touchbar setting. Where is it?