AquaNotch. Add a notch to your "Intel MAX BookPro."

Enough said.

You might want to install BetterTouchTool first, as this runs off of BetterTouchTool.

Once that's all done just...
Download the preset and import it,
Maybe restart BTT,
Then click the menubar icon Screen Shot 2021-10-20 at 11.39.30 am to toggle the notch.

Download AquaNotch

Support Yuuiko

I create this with my passion for design and I hope you feel that while you're using it!
This is all a joke, though.

If you'd like to check out my serious BTT thing, check out AquaTouch. The complete redesign for your TouchBar.

:bookmark: Need a BTT License? Get one with me and I'll get 40%!
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:love_letter: Share AquaTouch with your friends and on your socials!