AppleScript JSON Helper

Here is a little JSON helper to create (escaped) JSON Strings from AppelScript records.

-- Toggle BTTShowHUD example
property isVisible : 0

if isVisible = 0 then
	set isVisible to 1
	set isVisible to 0
end if

set jsonData to {BTTTriggerConfig:{BTTHUDText:"Button clicked", BTTShowHUD:isVisible}}
set jsonString to my Serialize(jsonData)

tell application "BetterTouchTool"
	update_trigger "FACFB1C3-3459-4765-BD7F-1A8B93977A30" json jsonString
end tell

-- JSON helper
on Serialize(theData)
	script theScript
		use framework "Foundation"
		property parent : a reference to current application
		property NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted : a reference to 1
		on toJSON(theData)
			set theJSONData to parent's NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:theData options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted |error|:(missing value)
			set theString to (parent's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:theJSONData encoding:(parent's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) as text
			return theString
		end toJSON
	end script
	return theScript's toJSON(theData)
end Serialize

If you want to create AppleScript records from JSON strings you can use this handler:

set jsonString to "{\"BTTTriggerConfig\" : {\"BTTHUDText\" : \"Button clicked\",\"BTTShowHUD\" : 1}}"
set jsonData to my Deserialize(jsonString)

-- JSON helper
on Deserialize(strJSON)
	script theScript
		use framework "Foundation"
		property parent : a reference to current application
		property NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted : a reference to 1
		on fromJSON(strJSON)
			set {x, e} to parent's NSJSONSerialization's JSONObjectWithData:((parent's NSString's stringWithString:strJSON)'s dataUsingEncoding:(parent's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) options:0 |error|:(reference)
			if x is missing value then
				error e's localizedDescription() as text
				return item 1 of ((parent's NSArray's arrayWithObject:x) as list)
			end if
		end fromJSON
	end script
	return theScript's fromJSON(strJSON)
end Deserialize

Tip: If the script cannot be compiled, insert the line:

use scripting additions

at the beginning of the script.