apple script sidecar monterey update

script toggle sidecar on monterey:

set deviceName to "iPad"
set sysVer to system version of (system info)
if sysVer contains "12." then
	tell application "System Events"
		tell its application process "ControlCenter"
			-- Prevent error from automatically killing the process
			-- Click the Control Centre menu.
			click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
			-- Give the window time to draw.
			delay 0.5
			-- Get all of the checkboxes in the Control Centre menu.
			set ccCheckboxes to title of (every checkbox of window "Control Centre")
			--No need the group 1 of group 1 as in macOS < 12
			--return ccCheckboxes
			if ccCheckboxes contains "Connect to Sidecar" then
				-- If one of the checkboxes is named "Connect to Sidecar," click that checkbox.
				set sidecarToggle to checkbox "Connect to Sidecar" of window "Control Centre"
				--No need the group 1 of group 1 as in macOS < 12
				click sidecarToggle
				-- This opens a secondary window that contains the button to actually connect to Sidecar. Give the window time to draw.
				delay 0.5
				-- The iPad checkbox should be the last one in the secondary menu. Access to it by specifying the -1 index.
				set iPadCheckboxes to title of item -1 of (every checkbox of scroll area 1 of window "Control Centre")
				--In macOS 12, the checkboxes here belong to 'scroll area 1'.
				if iPadCheckboxes contains deviceName then
					-- If one of the checkboxes contains the same name/part of the name as the iPad (`deviceName`), click that checkbox to connect to Sidecar.
					set deviceToggle to checkbox iPadCheckboxes of scroll area 1 of window "Control Centre"
					--In macOS 12, the checkboxes here belong to 'scroll area 1'.
					click deviceToggle
					-- Click the Control Centre menu to close the secondary menu and return to the main menu.
					click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
					-- Click the Control Centre menu again to close the main menu.
					click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
					do shell script "echo Connected to " & iPadCheckboxes
				end if
				repeat with cb in ccCheckboxes
					if cb contains "Disconnect" then
						-- If one of the checkboxes has "Disconnect" in its name, Sidecar is already connected.
						set sidecarToggle to ((checkbox 1 of window "Control Centre") whose title contains "Disconnect")
						-- Click the checkbox to disconnect Sidecar.
						click sidecarToggle
						-- Click the Control Centre menu again to close the main menu.
						click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
					end if
				end repeat
				do shell script "echo Disconnected!"
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
	tell application "System Events"
		tell its application process "ControlCenter"
			-- Prevent error from automatically killing the process
			-- Click the Control Centre menu.
			click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
			-- Give the window time to draw.
			delay 1
			-- Get all of the checkboxes in the Control Centre menu.
			set ccCheckboxes to title of (every checkbox of group 1 of group 1 of window "Control Centre")
			if ccCheckboxes contains "Connect to Sidecar" then
				-- If one of the checkboxes is named "Connect to Sidecar," click that checkbox.
				set sidecarToggle to checkbox "Connect to Sidecar" of group 1 of group 1 of window "Control Centre"
				click sidecarToggle
				-- This opens a secondary window that contains the button to actually connect to Sidecar. Give the window time to draw.
				delay 1
				-- The iPad checkbox should be the last one in the secondary menu. Access to it by specifying the -1 index.
				set iPadCheckboxes to title of item -1 of (every checkbox of group 1 of group 1 of window "Control Centre")
				if iPadCheckboxes contains deviceName then
					-- If one of the checkboxes contains the same name/part of the name as the iPad (`deviceName`), click that checkbox to connect to Sidecar.
					set deviceToggle to checkbox iPadCheckboxes of group 1 of group 1 of window "Control Centre"
					click deviceToggle
					-- Click the Control Centre menu to close the secondary menu and return to the main menu.
					click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
					-- Click the Control Centre menu again to close the main menu.
					click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
				end if
				repeat with cb in ccCheckboxes
					if cb contains "Disconnect" then
						-- If one of the checkboxes has "Disconnect" in its name, Sidecar is already connected.
						set sidecarToggle to ((checkbox 1 of group 1 of group 1 of window "Control Centre") whose title contains "Disconnect")
						-- Click the checkbox to disconnect Sidecar.
						click sidecarToggle
						-- Click the Control Centre menu again to close the main menu.
						click menu bar item "Control Centre" of menu bar 1
					end if
				end repeat
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end if