Any way to hold modifier keys down until you remove all fingers from trackpad (useful for tip-tap gestures)?

Is there a way to configure BTT to hold all modifiers until you release all fingers from a trackpad? For instance, I'm using the three-finger tip-tap (where you leave two fingers down and 'tap' with a third) to switch between apps. That's using the Command-Tab and Command-Shift-Tab modifiers.

However, unlike on a regular keyboard where I can leave the modifiers down and continue to cycle through the apps by repeatedly tapping Tab, BTT instantly switches to the prev or next app meaning you really can only 'toggle' between them.

If there was an option that said 'Don't release modifiers until all fingers are removed', that would solve this issue, allowing us to 'tap through' the list. Plus, I can see that being helpful with other things too, not just that.

for this specific usecase the gesture mode on the "application switcher" action would be the easiest solution:

Neat! Didn't even notice you have your own app switcher option. Lemme check it out!

Still, the more-general modifiers-not-released approach could really help with other kinds of things so hope the idea at least piques your interest!

Ok, just played with this. It's close, but is missing one thing... the ability to move forward and back through the list (in case you overshoot, which is easy to do with tip-tapping.)

Not sure if this is possible, but maybe simply adding a 'reverse cycle order' checkbox under the 'Use Gesture Mode', then you could assigning 'Application Switcher' to two different tip-tap triggers, one with the checkbox set, one without it set.

Not sure if the 'gesture mode' would preclude the other tiptop gesture, but figured I'd ask. Just looking for a way to cycle through it since there's no 'hold modifiers until release' option as mentioned earlier.