Allowing Apple pencil to emulate a click on BTT remote (Basically Apple pencil support)

I am a user of better touch tool and it is working very well for me. I have a pretty severe spinal cord injury that means my hand movements are very limited so I use BTT Remote as a track pad on my iPad Pro with Apple pencil. I cannot use my fingers themselves to activate the screen hence I am only able to use the Apple pencil. As I understand it you can create a click interaction by tapping on the screen of the iPad with your finger but the same thing does not happen with a pencil. I would like to know if it would be possible to add a feature or toggle switch such that a finger tap could be emulated by a pencil double tap. Configuration item looking something like the following could be added to BTT Remote:
Apple pencil doubletap does; (Nothing) or (Single click) or (Click down and hold)

Perhaps I've missed whether it is possible to create this kind of interaction using BTT remote as it is currently and I'd really appreciate it if anyone could tell me that.

I also noticed a behaviour on the BTT remote screen yesterday that I had not seen before. Usually when I tap and hold on the screen the cursor reticle goes from white to red and allows me to do things like scrolling. But yesterday I noticed that it went yellow and I got a different behaviour which I think was click and drag. Is there a specific way to get this yellow behaviour?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance folks.