Allow 'Show Menu Bar in Context Menu' to be 'filtered' to only certain Menu/Sub-Menu/etc

I can't believe I've never come across the 'Show Menu Bar in Context Menu' feature till just now; but I have been noticing/making use of a similar feature within JetBrains IDE's recently (alongside quick lists) and really enjoying it.

I haven't deeply played with the options in BetterTouchTool for this, so it might already be possible, but I was thinking it would be cool if I was able to use the 'Show Menu Bar in Context Menu' action, but 'filter' it to a certain menu/sub-menu (I'm not sure how well something like this would work universally.. maybe it just would show nothing if the current app didn't have that menu/sub-menu)

Basically, currently it shows a menu like this:

But perhaps I want to be able to open a 'focussed menu' on just the red part of this screenshot:

For example, in JetBrains WebStorm/similar, with a menu like this:

I can search for/trigger a menu item (eg. git):

And have just that menu item shown as a context menu:

Yet with the current BetterTouchTool feature, I can't focus specifically on that 'Git' menu:

I guess maybe 'Trigger Context Menu Item' and/or 'Trigger MenuBar Menu Item' might be able to be paired with this to tell it to select one of the sub-menus.

Or at the very least, the same syntax for that action could be used as the 'filter' for the sub-menu to select as per my feature request described above.

In 5.252 I added an option for the predefined action "Show Menu Bar In Context Menu" to show a specific submenu:


I would love to try that out. But ...

You probably downloaded it before the upload was finished :slight_smile:

Right, now it has worked. But it doesn't work as expected.

Do I understand correctly that only this menu should be displayed? But it shows all menus.

little typo: fromat -> format :slight_smile:

Allerdings können spezial elemente wie die farben nicht korrekt angezeigt werden, das geben die APIs leider nicht her (da wirst du also vermutlich nur den namen der farbe sehen)

Peinlich ... sorry ... jetzt funktioniert es :slight_smile:

Die Farben sind mir egal. Aber grossartig wäre es, wenn das Menu schwebend bliebe, einfach immer da, wie ein BTT floating menu. Ginge das?

aktuell nicht, da es ein standard macOS Kontextmenü ist. Ich kann die Funktion aber bald mal für Floating Menus freischalten. (Das mit den Farben sollte sich in Kombination mit der „Trigger Menubar Menu Item“ Aktion jetzt schon schnell nachbilden lassen

Das hiesse man muss das Floating Menu nicht selber aufsetzten? BTT würde ein Menu einer App selber in ein floating menu "umwandeln"?

ja, ich plane gerade sowieso einige solche „widgets“ die man in floating menus verwenden kann.


Ohhh, einmal mehr kommt BTT mit etwas, das nur BTT kann :smiley: