Adding A.I. speech-to-text feature!

Can we have AI speect-to-text feature? OpenAI's whisper model is damn good for this. I have been using it for months using a third party software called 'FridayGPT' and it's mind-blowingly good. I think this could be a powerful feature and also not super hard to add given that BTT already has almost a similar feature but for the text. The usefulness of this feature is hard to be overstated because it can literally eliminate more than 90% of the typing required and save tons of time for all the users and I personally would be willing to pay additional for this feature alone. I would really appreciate if you would consider this idea and I hope that it can be implemented soon. Thanks a million again for everything you have done with BTT!!
Warm regards,

Check out Actions for shortcuts app or MacWhisper