Hi, I finally got the base64 encoded icon working with automating making new triggers. I noticed there's an icon_path in the supporting docs
For the icon you can either provide it directly using the icon_data parameter (must be base64 encoded) or you can provide a file path (via the icon_path parameter) that points to the new icon.
Ive tried almost everything... is this possible in something like this...
set asstring to "{
\"BTTTriggerType\" : 703,
\"BTTTriggerTypeDescription\" : \"AS-" & "Happy2" & "\",
\"BTTTriggerClass\" : \"BTTTriggerTypeNotchBar\",
\"BTTPredefinedActionType\" : -1,
\"BTTPredefinedActionName\" : \"No Action\",
\"BTTEnabled2\" : 1,
\"BTTRepeatDelay\" : 0,
\"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription\" : 0,
\"BTTEnabled\" : 1,
\"BTTModifierMode\" : 0,
\"BTTOrder\" : 12,
\"BTTDisplayOrder\" : 0,
\"BTTMergeIntoTouchBarGroups\" : 0,
here ------------> \"BTTIconPath\" : \"/Users/timjones/Desktop\",
\"BTTTriggerConfig\" : {
\"BTTTouchBarAppleScriptString\" : \"tell application \\\"System Events\\\" to activate\\ndisplay notification \\\"goodbye\\\"\\ndelay 4\\ndisplay notification \\\"hello\\\"\",
\"BTTTouchBarButtonCornerRadius\" : 5,
\"BTTTouchBarFreeSpaceAfterButton\" : 5,
\"BTTTouchBarButtonColor\" : \"104.244579, 59.329082, 6.762083, 255.000000\",
\"BTTTouchBarApplyCornerRadiusTo\" : 0,
\"BTTTouchBarItemPlacement\" : 0,
\"BTTTouchBarIconInvert\" : false,
\"BTTTouchBarAlwaysShowButton\" : false,
\"BTTTouchBarAppleScriptStringRunOnInit\" : false,
\"BTTTouchBarButtonHoverColor\" : \"248.880000, 146.115000, 128.010000, 181.050000\",
\"BTTNotchBarVisibilityStandardScreen\" : -1,
\"BTTScriptType\" : 0,
\"BTTTouchBarButtonHeight\" : 15,
\"BTTTouchBarButtonWidth\" : 100,
\"BTTTouchBarScriptUpdateInterval\" : 0,
\"BTTTouchBarItemIconHeight\" : 15,
\"BTTTouchBarButtonTextAlignment\" : 0,
\"BTTTouchBarAlternateBackgroundColor\" : \"75.323769, 75.323769, 75.323769, 255.000000\",
\"BTTTouchBarAppleScriptUsePath\" : 0,
\"BTTTBWidgetWidth\" : 400,
\"BTTTouchBarBorderColor\" : \"145.466926, 145.470452, 145.468552, 255.000000\",
\"BTTTouchBarFreeSpaceBeforeButton\" : 0,
\"BTTTouchBarItemIconWidth\" : 15,
\"BTTTouchBarButtonName\" : \"&AS-" & "Happy2" & "\",
\"BTTTouchBarButtonFontSize\" : 12,
\"BTTTouchBarIconTextOffset\" : 5,
\"BTTTouchBarOnlyShowIcon\" : false,
\"BTTNotchBarVisibilityNotchScreen\" : 2,
\"BTTTouchBarItemPadding\" : 0
log asstring
tell application "BetterTouchTool" to add_new_trigger asstring
and where "here------->" is, I got the base64 working with this: just more characters...
"BTTIconData" :"iVBORwB<.....>LyWF9d/Twk8llef5Aq4/18xyO3oLpAIK5ZW6uIwjEmx3nZ0hpoDey3Bv4/IyopysR7Gm0AAAAASUVORK5CYII=",
Thanks in advance!