Im using 3 triggers;
For Closing App
3 finger tap (over dock) - Activated Currently Hovered App in Dock - Send Cmd+Q
For Switching Between App Windows
2 finger swipe up (over dock) - - Activated Currently Hovered App in Dock - Application Expose
For Minimising App Windows
2 finger swipe down (over dock) - - Activated Currently Hovered App in Dock - Delay 0.1 sec - Send Cmd+M
Im using same presets mouse too with middle click, scroll up and scroll down. Result is same
What is my problem;
If I do one of triggers on a not running app, trigger trying to run app first then triggering quit, expose or minimise. adding an "ignore for not running app" option will fix this issue
Also my dock has 5 small spacers. if i use one of that triggers on that they do action for last active window, probably ignoring spacers will fix this
i added small spacer with
defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="small-spacer-tile";}' && killall Dock
many sites have normal sized spacer with this code
defaults write com.apple.dock persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'; killall Dock
for the visualisation of my scenario you can watch a similar app that uses different gestures for over the dock triggers, but i didn't tried it, i created this presets before that app, happy to see others see as well ancient features of dock
Thanks for all efforts on BTT, really appreciated
I have Macbook Pro with Touchbar 2017 (10.14.2 installed)
BetterTouchTool version: 3.182