Hey, thank you for the tectonic contribution to my productivity that BTT continues to be.
Was wondering if it might be possible to add an Action for the "Allow wallpaper tinting in windows" setting found in System Settings > Appearance (as of Ventura)? I often toggle this on for dark mode, but off for light mode, so it would be amazing to automate this switch or map it to a shortcut.
Thanks again!
Happy to see that I'm not alone in this (came here to ask about that specifically). Same exact use case — I'd love that setting On when in Dark Mode and Off otherwise. Additionally, turning it off when activating certain apps (e.g. anything visual like design, where it's helpful to keep the app chrome neutral and consistent vs influenced by the wallpaper) would be nice as well.
forgot you initially posted this request?
I think you could automate this using Apple Script, however this would then open System Settings and automatically perform the action. I don't know whether this can be done without UI scripting. Shall I post an example script?
HAHAHA! Absolutely did not notice or remember. Oh welp. Maybe I'm alone in this after all.
I haven't messed with AppleScript. Settings opening and closing would be fine. If you feel you have the time and know how you'd go about it, I would greatly appreciate the sample script, but no pressure. Either way, thank you for the reply.
Unfortunately it seems to take a second for the checkbox to become scriptable.
This seems to work OK on macOS Sonoma:
tell application "System Settings"
set the current pane to pane id "com.apple.Appearance-Settings.extension"
repeat while true
delay 0.1
tell application "System Events"
click checkbox 1 of group 1 of scroll area 1 of group 1 of list 2 of splitter group 1 of list 1 of window "Appearance" of application process "System Settings"
exit repeat
end tell
end try
end repeat
end tell
That works perfectly. Thank you so much, both from myself and the OP.