Action to toggle function key (Fn1... Fn12) action between the printed actions on the keys and standard F keys.
Level 1: Just toggle all keys between these two functions. (at least this ! so will be possible to assign a shortkey to this toggle)
Level 2: Do this automatically, per app
In MacOS Sonoma this toggle is buried in: System Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Functions keys
I'm also wondering if this is possible. If I can replace 2 tools and end up with one I'm all in. I have already replaced Moom and MultiTouch, which are great BTW, with BTT but there are still some functionalities I would like to get with BTT. This one is one of them, so I could ditch Fluor, which only works properly with Apple Keyboards. The other one it's on another topic here, I would also like to replace Auto-Raise.
Oh, and also awesome would be for any keystroke tool to be able to show BTT configured shortcuts.
Sorry but it doesn't not work on me. I have updated btt to 4.616 and sonoma 14.3.
i got set up in 'For All Apps' and 'Keyboard Shortcuts', and I just selected shortcut and 'Set Function Key Mode/Medea Mode', and left the rest untouched. but It didn't work.
Do I need to something to use this function? or it given to only paid user?(i have licence but outdated)
If not, am I misunderstanding this feature? I understand this to be a shortcut for setting the 'use f1, f2, etc keys as standard function keys' toggle option in the keyboard settings.
Mhh, your BTT needs to be active, if it is disabled due to an outdated license it will not work. However if your BTT is enabled, this should work fine.
yes i did.and did same shortcut. i want to show screenshot but newbie can't upload,.. but it still didn't work. Could this be a conflict with another program? One suspected program is karabiner.
Yeah I don't use a lot of features, but the shortcuts I do use all work, only the function/media ones didn't. I use karabiner because of the delay issue with the language change shortcut.
Is it now possible to get functionality similar to Fluor? That is, for a certain app, have the function keys just work like "F1" etc. (without any modifier key) while having them work as media keys etc. for all others? I see the functionality you've highlighted but it seems to just toggle the function by pressing a defined hotkey, which isn't desirable.
I've tied shortcut Esc+fn and action "Set function key mode / media key mode - toggle between media and function keys". Is it possible to show a HUD overlay with the name of the mode that the layout has switched to?