About the Setup/Preset Sharing category

Share your BetterTouchTool presets, tips & setups!
Please only post here if you have a BTT preset to share, or tools to make BTT presets.

Posting your Preset or Widget (Specific trigger)

Feel free to post in any format you want. I recommend to include some pictures and instructions. You can also link to external pages if that's easier for you!

Always ask permission before posting a preset that includes work from other people, modified or not. They must be credited in your preset post or within the preset itself.

Avoid naming your preset “My Preset” as things will get confusing if we get duplicates of this. Consider using your name for it if you don’t have any ideas!

Attatching your Preset or Widget (Specific Trigger)

Attatch a Preset File
Method 1: Upload to https://share.folivora.ai and paste the share link onto your post.

Method 2: Drag your preset into the post editor on this site to insert it into your post.

Method 3: Direct Import Link
Currently if you want to include links to directly import presets into BTT, they must look like this:
To base64 encode you can use online services like https://www.base64decode.org/ or you can use the macOS terminal like this: base64 -i ~/Desktop/TheFileYouWantToBase64.json

Share a Specific Trigger
If you want to share specific triggers you set up in BetterTouchTool, you can just press cmd+c in BetterTouchTool, which will copy the JSON for the selected trigger to your clipboard.

Share All Triggers of a Specific Application
If you want to share all triggers for a specific application, you can click the application on the left side in BTT and then press cmd+c.

Tip: If you’re sharing code, you can use [code][/code] to format it:

Sample Code-Formatted Text

Note About This System

This is a work in progress. I will soon integrate some services that make it easier to share BetterTouchTool presets on this platform. They are not yet ready because I ditched my custom platform solution and decided to use the Discourse open source forum software instead. This is probably more secure than my own solution and more reliable.

For now you can just attach the JSON (or GZ) of your preset export to any post.

Presets exported as .bttpreset files include some metadata fields which can be set during the export operation: Please use them, folks! :smirk_cat:

One of these fields is a "URL with information about your preset", which would be nice if it pointed to your BTT Community Forum posting where the preset is described.

A good course of action therefore is to create your posting first, copy its URL and only then create and upload the preset and edit the posting to include the link to the shared file.

Thank You Everybody & Happy Sharing! :smiley_cat: