Ability to customize keyboard shortcuts in BTT for switching between Touchpad & Keyboard Macros

Hi can you please add an option in BTT to change the default "CMD + #" shortcuts in BTT to some other modifiers?

I currently use CMD + # globally to switch to specific spaces.

It would be awesome if I could change the shortcut in BTT to be CMD + SHIFT + # instead.

Thank you!

@Andreas_Hegenberg Is there any way you'd consider placing the Trigger List in BTT's file menu (e.g., under "View")?

I can never remember these shortcuts, and would love to reassign them around my own use patterns (e.g., ⌘0 for All Configured Triggers Overview, ⌘1 for Keyboard Shortcuts, etc.).

Unless, I'm missing something, there isn't currently a way to change these hotkeys is there?

Thanks for your consideration!!

You can choose any shortcut you want for the BTT sections. Just like for any other app. Try this action

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Thanks for your help, @Frank1! I didn't realize that BTT would actually honor a newly set hotkey when it conflicts with a default shortcut (e.g., setting ⌘0 to open "All Configured Triggers Overview" actually opens this Trigger List instead of the default "MIDI Triggers" view). I'd still like to see these added to the file menu for various reasons, but this a great workaround. Thanks a ton!!

@Frank1 After doing a little more testing, I might have spoke too soon - as this approach is pretty spotty (re: trying to reassign BTT's current Trigger List hotkeys, like using ⌘0 for something other than the MIDI Triggers view). It works sometimes, but usually just honors the default hotkey. In any case, I guess I'll just avoid these hotkeys and opt for something else. Thanks though!

they should work well as shortcuts setup in BTT always override the default shortcuts.
Did you assign them specifically to BTT?

Hi @Andreas_Hegenberg! Yes, I assigned them specifically to BTT. After your message, I restarted BTT to see if that'd help the new hotkey assignments take hold and it seems to be working a little better. When clicking around different apps in the sidebar, and their related triggers, BTT will sometimes revert back to honoring its default hotkeys. But, for the most part, BTT seems to be following the new hotkeys that I assigned.

For the record, I wasn't trying to do anything too crazy here. Personally, I only use the All Configured Triggers Overview, Keyboard Shortcuts, Normal Mouse, and Trackpad trigger lists. So, I just wanted to number their hotkeys sequentially (e.g., ⌘0, ⌘1, ⌘2 ...) — given that I can never remember their default numbering.

Thanks again for all of your help!

Maybe you have this option enabled?

That's strange, it works fine for me. If you want, you can try this workaround. Instead of ⌘ try ⌥. So, ⌥0, ⌥1, ⌥2 etc. That's almost the same :smirk:

No, that option is not enabled (View > Emulate Selected App as Active). However, for the moment, it seems to be working OK. But the next time BTT starts to honor its default shortcuts for these trigger lists, I'll take a closer look at the menu to see if something might be amiss. Thanks!

@Andreas_Hegenberg When testing, I came across what I think is a bug— which might explain some of the issues that I noticed earlier.

Namely, when selecting "Magic Mouse" or "Key Sequences / Typed Words" from the trigger's dropdown, neither will retain their selection. As you can see in the gif below, when (1) "Magic Mouse" is selected it reverts to "All Configured Triggers Overview" and (2) when "Key Sequences / Typed Words" is selected it reverts to "Trackpad". It's quite odd.

However, all of the other dropdown selections are retained. At the end of the gif, after illustrating the two problematic sections above, you'll notice how the other sections seem to work fine.

Thanks for your help!

Kapture 2023-02-08 at 16.08.21-1050

@Andreas_Hegenberg Are you seeing this behavior, too?

No big deal if it's a bug. I just wanted to make sure that I'm not the only person with the issue. In case it's relevant, I'm on BTT 4.022 & Monterey 12.6.3.

Thanks for your help!