A way to implement two finger tap on Safari links to open in new tabs without getting stuck with contextual menu.

In Catalina if I set BTT to use a two finger click on a link in Safari to act as command-click and open the link in a new tab in the background - the contextual menu pop ups up until I dismiss it.

I made this workaround.

  1. Choose Trackpad Settings
  2. Choose Safari
  3. Choose TipTap Left (1 Finger Fix) with Action: CMD-Click

This works without triggering the contexual menu if I do this over a link, but I find it slower and awkward.

I'd still prefer a simple two finger tap but haven't figured out a workaround to either not trigger the contextual menu or perhaps automatically dismiss it quickly. I thought about maybe making an AppleScript to do this somehow but I wonder if there's already a quick fix to this issue within BTT.

Any input would be very appreciated as this is an issue that is constantly "popping up".

I, too, would like to see the return of this functionality - specifically, 2-finger tap opening a link in a new tab (without leaving the context menu open). This used to work. I can still see it working when I boot onto an older backup of my Mac Mini that has an older version of BTT - specifically, Version 3.346 (1554). FWIW, both my current version and my old version of MacOS are the same - 10.14.5 as is the version of Chrome. All that differs is the version of BTT. I wonder if this was a feature or a bug when the 2-finger tap stopped working correctly. Maybe I'll report it as a bug....

Until then, I have been able to get it to sort of work by using 2-finger Double Tap. Not as good, but mostly works, although doing this on bookmarks in the Toolbar does NOT work - it only works with links in a Chrome page itself.

Rob from AZ

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There's some extensions that allow 2-finger taps to open links with Chrome that I use. But, unfortunately there was only one for Safari that I knew of and it's now defunct.

Thank you! I use Chrome 95% of the time, and now with that extension, my problem is mostly solved. I say "mostly' because it doesn't work on Bookmark Bar links, but I can live with that.


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If I figure out a way to either not trigger the contextual menu in Safari or automatically dismiss it after using the two-finger click on a link to open it in a new tab I'll share it here in this thread.

Hoping against hope the developer sees this and has a suggestion.

My solution was to use three finger tap for CMD+right click. It's super handy, because two finger tap is still needed in safari sometimes.

If you want to use two finger taps you need to disable either "tap to click" or "secondary click" in system preferences => trackpad and configure them completely in BTT.

Otherwise the system will always execute the context menu before BTT gets the event.

I tried three-finger but it doesn't work correctly probably because I use three-finger dragging. I also find two-finger clicking on links much more ergonomic and faster to click on links as well.

Thank you for the reply. I'm not sure I understand the instructions.

If I disable "secondary click" in the macOS Trackpad settings I can then re-enable it in BTT (Globally) to still open a contextual menu when I two-finger tap on my Mac, and can also two-finger tap on links within Safari to open them in a tab without the contextual menu being opened?

Or would I have to re-enable two-finger tapping to open a contextual menu in every app including the Finder except for Safari? Would I still be able to open contextual menus in Safari with a two-finger tap when not two-finger tapping on a link?

There was a Safari extension called Linkthing (downloadable extension) that was able to differentiate between clicking on links with a two-finger tap and clicking elsewhere within the Safari page to initiate a contextual menu. LinkThing also allowed me to hold down the control key and click on a link to bring up a contextual menu instead of opening the link in a new tab automatically. This all worked while still having secondary-click enabled in the Trackpad preferences.

I found an old copy of the extension and took a look at some of the code. Would it be possible for BTT to replicate that functionality?

Inside the extension file I found:


const defaults = {
	kickOnLinks           : 0,
	kickOffLinks          : 0,
	newTabPosition        : null,
	newBgTabPosition      : null,
	focusLinkTarget       : true,
	preferWindows         : false,
	cmdClickIgnoresTarget : true,
	rightClickForCmdClick : false,
	useTPOverrideKeys     : false,
	tpOverrideKeyClicks   : false,
	rewriteGoogleLinks    : false,
	showLinkHrefs         : true,
	showMenuItems         : true,
	focusOriginalTab      : false,
	tpoKeyLeftmost        : { keyCode: 65, keyIdentifier: 'U+0041' },
	tpoKeyLeft            : { keyCode: 83, keyIdentifier: 'U+0053' },
	tpoKeyRight           : { keyCode: 68, keyIdentifier: 'U+0044' },
	tpoKeyRightmost       : { keyCode: 70, keyIdentifier: 'U+0046' },
	tpoKeyCurrent         : { keyCode: 71, keyIdentifier: 'U+0047' },
	lastPrefPane          : 0,
	specialSites          : [],
	hardBlacklist         : [],
	userBlacklist         : [
const linkBlacklist = [
const downloadPatterns = [
	/\.dmg$/, /\.dmg\?/,
	/\.zip$/, /\.zip\?/,
	/\.pkg$/, /\.pkg\?/,
	/\.safariextz$/, /\.safariextz\?/,
	/\.torrent$/, /\.torrent\?/,
	/\.iso$/, /\.iso\?/,
	/\.rar$/, /\.rar\?/,
	/\.exe$/, /\.exe\?/,
	/\.tgz$/, /\.tgz\?/,
	/\.gz$/ , /\.gz\?/ ,
	/\.tar$/, /\.tar\?/,
	/\.xar$/, /\.xar\?/,
	/\.odm$/, /\.odm\?/,
	/\.acsm$/, /\.acsm\?/

var sa = safari.application;
var se = safari.extension;
var openedTabs = []; // to keep Safari from GCing tab references
var dummyLink = document.createElement('a');
var previousActiveTab;

if (navigator.appVersion.match('Version/5.0')) {
	sa.activeBrowserWindow.openTab().url = se.baseURI + 'upgrade_notice.html';
} else {

	sa.addEventListener("contextmenu", handleContextMenu, false);
	sa.addEventListener("command", handleCommand, false);
	sa.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, false);
	se.settings.addEventListener("change", handleSettingChange, false);

	se.addContentScriptFromURL(se.baseURI + 'injected.js', ['safari-reader://*/*'], null, true);

function SettingsObject(addedProps) {
	for (var key in defaults) {
		if (!(defaults[key] instanceof Array)) {
			this[key] = se.settings[key]
	for (var p in addedProps) {
		this[p] = addedProps[p];
function addLinkToIp(info) {
	var sourceTab = sa.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab;
	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
	var ipUrl = 'https://www.instapaper.com/api/add';
		ipUrl += '?username=' + encodeURIComponent(se.secureSettings.ipUsername);
		ipUrl += '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(se.secureSettings.ipPassword);
		ipUrl += '&url='      + encodeURIComponent(info.url);
		ipUrl += '&selection=Added%20from%20"' + encodeURIComponent(info.tit);
		ipUrl += '"%20(' + encodeURIComponent(info.ref) + ')';
	xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
			if (xhr.responseText == 201) {
			} else {
				var message = 'LinkThing could not log in to your Instapaper account. ';
					message += 'Please check your username and password.';
	xhr.open('GET', ipUrl, true);
function blurNextOpened(event) {
	previousActiveTab = null;
	sa.removeEventListener('open', blurNextOpened, true);
function getBlacklistStatus(url) {
	function stringToRe(string) {
		return new RegExp(string, 'i');
	for (var i = 0; i < se.settings.userBlacklist.length; i++) {
		if (stringToRe(se.settings.userBlacklist[i]).test(url)) {
			return 2;
	for (var i = 0; i < se.settings.hardBlacklist.length; i++) {
		if (stringToRe(se.settings.hardBlacklist[i]).test(url)) {
			return 1;
	return 0;
function getSitePrefs(hostname) {
	for (var i = 0; i < se.settings.specialSites.length; i++) {
		if (hostname === se.settings.specialSites[i].hostname) {
			return se.settings.specialSites[i];
	return {
		hostname         : hostname,
		kickOffLinks     : null,
		kickOnLinks      : null,
		newTabPosition   : null,
		newBgTabPosition : null,
		focusLinkTarget  : null,
		preferWindows    : null
function focusNextOpened(event) {
	sa.removeEventListener('open', focusNextOpened, true);
function handleCommand(event) {
	var sourceTab = sa.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab;
	if (event.command === 'showPrefsBox') {
		if (sourceTab.url == '' || sourceTab.url == undefined) {
			var am = 'Sorry, LinkThing cannot open its settings here.';
			am += 'Please load a web page in this tab and try again.';
		} else {
			sourceTab.page.dispatchMessage('showPrefsBox', event.userInfo);
	else if (event.command === 'addLinkToIp') {
function handleContextMenu(event) {
	if (event.userInfo && se.settings.showMenuItems) {
		event.contextMenu.appendContextMenuItem('showPrefsBox','LinkThing Settings...');
	if (event.userInfo.url && se.secureSettings.ipUsername) {
		event.contextMenu.appendContextMenuItem('addLinkToIp','Add Link to Instapaper');
function handleLinkKick(event) {
	console.log('link kick:', event.message);
	var settings = event.message.settings;
	var targetIsReader = event.target instanceof SafariReader;
	var sourceTab = targetIsReader ? event.target.tab : event.target;
	var thisWindow = sourceTab.browserWindow;
	var srcTabIndex = thisWindow.tabs.indexOf(sourceTab);
	var background = !(!event.message.shift !== !settings.focusLinkTarget);
	var tpo = event.message.tpo;
	var positionSetting = event.message.positionSetting;
	var newTab;
	if (positionSetting === null)
	if (tpo.fr)
		background = !background;
	if (targetIsReader)
		background = true;
	if (positionSetting === undefined)
		positionSetting = 1;
	if (event.message.option) {
		newTab = sa.openBrowserWindow().activeTab;
		newTab.url = event.message.href;
		background && thisWindow.activate();
	} else {
		var newTabPosition = (
			positionSetting == -2 ? 0                      : 
			positionSetting ==  0 ? srcTabIndex            :
			positionSetting ==  1 ? srcTabIndex + 1        :
			positionSetting == -1 ? thisWindow.tabs.length : null
		newTab = thisWindow.openTab((background ? 'background' : 'foreground'), newTabPosition);
		newTab.url = event.message.href;
	newTab.sourceTab = sourceTab;
	newTab.addEventListener('close', function (closeEvent) {
		var closedTab = closeEvent.target;
		openedTabs.splice(openedTabs.indexOf(closedTab), 1);
		if (!se.settings.focusOriginalTab)
		if (closedTab.sourceTab && closedTab.sourceTab.url) {
	}, false);
function handleMessage(event) {
	switch (event.name) {
		case 'handleLinkMouseOver':
			event.target.page.dispatchMessage('showHrefBox', event.message);
		case 'handleLinkMouseOut':
		case 'handleLinkKick':
		case 'focusNextOpenedTab':
			sa.addEventListener('open', focusNextOpened, true);
		case 'blurNextOpenedTab':
			previousActiveTab = event.target;
			sa.addEventListener('open', blurNextOpened, true);
		case 'loadInMyTab':
			// message source must be a SafariReader instance
			event.target.tab.url = event.message;
		case 'passSettings':
			if (!event.message || !event.message.hostname)
			var settings = new SettingsObject({
				hostname         : event.message,
				linkBlacklist    : linkBlacklist,
				downloadPatterns : downloadPatterns,
				blacklistStatus  : getBlacklistStatus(event.message.url),
			var sitePrefs = getSitePrefs(event.message.hostname);
			for (var key in sitePrefs) {
				if (sitePrefs[key] !== null) {
					settings[key] = sitePrefs[key];
			var listener = (event.target instanceof SafariReader) ? event.target : event.target.page;
			listener.dispatchMessage('receiveSettings', settings);
		case 'whoAreMyFellowFrames?':
			event.target.page.dispatchMessage('giveMeYourWindowName', event.message);
		case 'myWindowNameIs':
			event.target.page.dispatchMessage('youHaveAFellowFrameNamed:', event.message);
		case 'logThis':
		case 'passPrefs':
			try {
				var hostname = event.target.url.split('//')[1].split('/')[0];
			} catch (e) {
				var hostname = 'nohost';
			var settings = new SettingsObject({
				hostname      : hostname,
				sitePrefs     : getSitePrefs(hostname),
				lastPrefPane  : se.settings.lastPrefPane,
				userBlacklist : se.settings.userBlacklist,
			event.target.page.dispatchMessage('receivePrefs', settings);
		case 'saveLastPrefPane':
			se.settings.lastPrefPane = event.message;
		case 'saveSitePrefs':
			var specialSites = se.settings.specialSites;
			var ssEntry = specialSites.filter(function (ss) {
				return ss.hostname == event.message.hostname;
			if (!ssEntry) {
				ssEntry = {};
			for (var key in event.message) {
				ssEntry[key] = event.message[key];
			for (var key in ssEntry) {
				if (ssEntry[key] == null) {
					delete ssEntry[key];
			if (specialSites.length > 300) {
			se.settings.specialSites = specialSites;
		case 'saveGlobalPrefs':
			for (var key in event.message) {
				se.settings[key] = event.message[key];
		case 'saveTPOverrideKey':
			se.settings[event.message.which] = event.message.data;
		case 'saveUrlFilters':
			var filterStrings = event.message.split('\n');
		case 'requestClosePrefsBox':
		case 'closePrefsBox':
		case 'consoleLog':
			console.log.apply(window, event.message);
function handleSettingChange(event) {
	if (event.newValue !== event.oldValue) {
		switch (event.key) {
			default: {
function passNewSettingsToAllPages() {
	var message = {};
	var thisWindow = {};
	var thisTab = {};
	for (var j = 0; j < sa.browserWindows.length; j++) {
		thisWindow = sa.browserWindows[j];
		for (var k = 0; k < thisWindow.tabs.length; k++) {
			thisTab = thisWindow.tabs[k];
			if (thisTab.url && thisTab.url.match(/^http/)) {
				console.log('Passing settings to page at ' + thisTab.url);
				dummyLink.href = thisTab.url;
				var settings = new SettingsObject({
					hostname        : dummyLink.hostname,
					blacklistStatus : getBlacklistStatus(thisTab.url),
				var sitePrefs = getSitePrefs(dummyLink.hostname);
				for (var key in sitePrefs) {
					if (sitePrefs[key] !== null) {
						settings[key] = sitePrefs[key];
				thisTab.page.dispatchMessage('receiveSettings', settings);
function saveUserBlacklist(filterStrings) {
	function isNotEmpty(string) {
		return string !== '';
	se.settings.userBlacklist = filterStrings.filter(isNotEmpty);
function initializeSettings() {
	var lastVersion = se.settings.lastVersion;
	for (var key in defaults) {
		if (se.settings[key] === undefined) {
			se.settings[key] = defaults[key];
	if (lastVersion < 1006) {
		se.settings.cmdClickIgnoresTarget = false;
	if (lastVersion < 1018) {
		se.settings.rewriteGoogleLinks = false;
	if (lastVersion < 2009) {
		se.settings.userBlacklist = defaults.userBlackList;
	if (lastVersion < 2042) {
		if (se.settings.newTabPosition   == undefined) se.settings.newTabPosition   = 1;
		if (se.settings.newBgTabPosition == undefined) se.settings.newBgTabPosition = 1;
	if (lastVersion < 2051) {
		if (se.settings.newTabPosition   == 1) se.settings.newTabPosition   = null;
		if (se.settings.newBgTabPosition == 1) se.settings.newBgTabPosition = null;
	se.settings.lastVersion = 2051;

And, injected.js

HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.handleKeyUp = function (e) {
  switch (e.keyCode) {
    case settings.tpoKeyLeftmost.keyCode  : positionOverride = { ps: -2, fr: e.shiftKey }; break;
    case settings.tpoKeyLeft.keyCode      : positionOverride = { ps:  0, fr: e.shiftKey }; break;
    case settings.tpoKeyRight.keyCode     : positionOverride = { ps:  1, fr: e.shiftKey }; break;
    case settings.tpoKeyRightmost.keyCode : positionOverride = { ps: -1, fr: e.shiftKey }; break;
    case settings.tpoKeyCurrent.keyCode   : positionOverride = { ps: null }; break;
    default: return;
  if (positionOverride.ps === undefined) {
  if (settings.tpOverrideKeyClicks) {
    var ps = positionOverride.ps;
    if (ps == 1) {
      positionOverride.ps = null;
      if (safariVersion >= 601) {
        var message = {
          href            : this.href,
          tpo             : positionOverride || {},
          shift           : e.shiftKey,
          option          : e.altKey,
          positionSetting : 1,
          settings        : settings
        safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('handleLinkKick', message);
      } else {
        var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
          button   : 0,
          metaKey  : true,
          shiftKey : e.shiftKey
    else if (ps === null) {
      window.location.href = this.href;
    else {
      var message = {
        href            : this.href,
        tpo             : positionOverride || {},
        shift           : e.shiftKey,
        option          : e.altKey,
        positionSetting : positionOverride.ps,
        settings        : settings
      safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('handleLinkKick', message);
  if (hrefRevealer) {
    var statusText = this.href;
    var targetText = (
      positionOverride.ps == -2   ? 'new leftmost'  :
      positionOverride.ps ==  0   ? 'new left'      :
      positionOverride.ps ==  1   ? 'new right'     :
      positionOverride.ps == -1   ? 'new rightmost' :
      positionOverride.ps == null ? 'this'          : ''
    var focusText = (positionOverride.ps == null || (!settings.focusLinkTarget !== !e.shiftKey))
      ? '' : ' background';
    statusText += ' (opens in ' + targetText + focusText + ' tab)';
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.isBlacklisted = function () {
  return settings.linkBlacklist.some(matches, this.href) || settings.downloadPatterns.some(matches, this.href);
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.isEligible = function () {
  var link = this;
  var tgt = link.target;
  if (link.getAttribute('href') == '#') return false;
  if (!(/^http/).test(link.protocol))   return false;
  if (tgt && contains(frameNames, tgt)) return false;
  if (link.isBlacklisted())             return false;
  if (link.isTargetingExempt())         return false;
  return true;
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.isTargetingExempt = function () {
  var exemptClasses = [
  var exemptRels = [
  var exemptRoles = [
  this.role = this.getAttribute('role');
  if (this.className && contains(exemptClasses, this.className)) return true;
  if (this.rel       && contains(exemptRels   , this.rel      )) return true;
  if (this.role      && contains(exemptRoles  , this.role     )) return true;
  return false;
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.isOffsite = function () {
  if (this.host != window.location.host) {
    return true;
  } else if (gHostnameRe.test(location.hostname) && this.className == 'l') {
    return true;
  } else return false;
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.processLinkClick = function (e) {
  var link = this;
  var modkeys = e.shiftKey * 1 + e.ctrlKey * 2 + e.altKey * 4 + e.metaKey * 8;
  if (modkeys == 1 || modkeys == 4 || modkeys == 5)
  if (link.isEligible()) {
    if (rewriteGoogleLinks) {
      if (link.pathname == '/url') {
        if ((/[?&]url=[^&]+/).test(link.search)) {
          link.href = decodeURIComponent(link.search.split(/[?&]url=/)[1].split('&')[0]);
    var willKick = link.willKick(e, true);
    if (willKick) {
      var background = !(!e.shiftKey !== !settings.focusLinkTarget);
      var positionSetting = (positionOverride.ps !== undefined)
        ? positionOverride.ps
        : (background ? settings.newBgTabPosition : settings.newTabPosition);
      if (positionSetting !== null) {
        var message = {
          href            : link.href,
          tpo             : positionOverride || {},
          shift           : e.shiftKey,
          option          : e.altKey,
          positionSetting : positionSetting,
          settings        : settings
        safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('handleLinkKick', message);
      } else {
        if (willKick == 'byPref')
          link.setTempTarget('_blank', 100);
        if (background)
        else {
      positionOverride = {};
    } else {
      if (positionOverride.ps === null) {
        link.setTempTarget('_top', 100);
      } else
      if (e.metaKey) {
        if (selfIsReader) {
          safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('loadInMyTab', link.href);
        } else {
          window.location.href = link.href;
      } else {
        if (['_self','_parent','_top'].indexOf(link.target) < 0) {
          link.setTempTarget('_top', 100);
        } else {
  } else {
    if (settings.downloadPatterns.some(matches, link.href)) {
      link.target = '';
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.setTempTarget = function (target, duration) {
  var link = this;
  var oldTarget = link.target;
  link.target = target;
  setTimeout(function () {
    link.target = oldTarget;
  }, duration);
HTMLAnchorElement.prototype.willKick = function (e, testedEligible) {
  var targetKick = !contains(['','_self','_parent','_top'], this.target);
  if (testedEligible || this.isEligible()) {
    if (e.metaKey && e.shiftKey)
      return true;
    else if (positionOverride.ps !== undefined)
      return true;
    var samePage = (this.href.split('#')[0] == location.href.split('#')[0]) && !(/^\#\!/).test(this.hash);
    var kickPref = (this.isOffsite() ? settings.kickOffLinks : settings.kickOnLinks);
    if (kickPref == 1 && samePage)
      kickPref = 0;
    var wouldKick = (
        selfIsReader   ? true  :
      kickPref ==  1 ? true  :  // if not reversed, link opens in new tab
      kickPref == -1 ? false :  // if not reversed, link opens in this tab
      targetKick                // if not reversed, site will decide
    var reversal = (
      e.button == 0 ?  e.metaKey :
      e.button == 1 ? !e.metaKey :
      e.button == 2 ? true       :
    var conclusion = (settings.cmdClickIgnoresTarget) ? (wouldKick || reversal) : (!wouldKick !== !reversal);
    if (conclusion && kickPref == 1)
      return 'byPref';
    return conclusion;
  } else {
    if (settings.downloadPatterns.some(matches, this.href))
      return false;
    return targetKick || (e.metaKey || e.button == 2);

function StatusBox(msg, mx, my) {
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  sb.say = function (msg) {
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  sb.style.transition = 'opacity 0.2s ease-in-out';
  sb.textContent = msg;
  return sb;
function clearScrolling() {
  window.scrolling = false;
function contains(array, thing) {
  return array.indexOf(thing) >= 0;
function handleClick(e) {
  if (siteIsBlacklisted || e.ctrlKey) return;
  var node = e.target;
  if (node == document.documentElement) return;
  while (node.href == undefined && node.parentNode) {
    node = node.parentNode;
  if (node.href) {
function handleContextMenu(e) {
  var userInfo = {
    x: e.clientX,
    y: e.clientY
  var node = e.target;
  while (node.href == undefined && node.parentNode) {
    node = node.parentNode;
  if (!selfIsReader) {
    if (node.href) {
      userInfo.url = node.href;
      userInfo.ref = document.location.href;
      userInfo.tit = document.title;
    safari.self.tab.setContextMenuEventUserInfo(event, userInfo);
  if (!siteIsBlacklisted) {
    if (node.href && !e.ctrlKey && settings.rightClickForCmdClick) {
      var click = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
        'click', true, true, window, 0, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY,
        false, false, e.shiftKey, true, 0, null
function handleMessage(e) {
  switch (e.name) {
    case 'receiveSettings':
      if (e.message.hostname == window.location.hostname || e.message.hostname == '*') {
        // console.log('Received LinkThing settings for hostname ' + e.message.hostname, e.message);
        for (var key in e.message) {
          settings[key] = e.message[key];
        if (settings.blacklistStatus !== undefined) {
          siteIsBlacklisted = (settings.blacklistStatus > 0);
          // document.removeEventListener('mouseover', handleMouseOver, false);
          document.removeEventListener('click', handleClick, true);
          if (!siteIsBlacklisted) {
            // document.addEventListener('mouseover', handleMouseOver, false);
            document.addEventListener('click', handleClick, true);
        if (settings.rewriteGoogleLinks !== undefined) {
          rewriteGoogleLinks = settings.rewriteGoogleLinks && gHostnameRe.test(location.hostname)
        if (settings.showLinkHrefs !== undefined) {
          document.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, false);
          if (settings.showLinkHrefs) {
            showLinkHrefs = settings.showLinkHrefs && !window.statusbar.visible;
            document.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll, false);
      } break;
    case 'showHrefBox':
      if (winIsTop) {
        hrefRevealer = new StatusBox(e.message.msgStr, e.message.mouseX, e.message.mouseY).show();
      } break;
    case 'hideHrefBox':
      winIsTop && hrefRevealer && hrefRevealer.destroy();
    case 'showPrefsBox':
      if (winIsTop) {
      } break;
    case 'closePrefsBox':
      var prefsBox = document.getElementById('cksle_prefsBox');
      winIsTop && prefsBox && document.documentElement.removeChild(prefsBox);
    case 'ipAddState':
      if (winIsTop) {
      } break;
    case 'giveMeYourWindowName':
      if (window.name && window.name != e.message)
        safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('myWindowNameIs', {
          framename : window.name,
          requester : e.message,
    case 'youHaveAFellowFrameNamed:':
      if (window.name == e.message.requester) {
        if (frameNames.indexOf(e.message.framename) == -1)  {
          // console.log('frames:', frameNames, 'this frame: "' + window.name + '"');
      } break;
function handleMouseOutOfLink(e) {
  if (revealWaiter) {
    revealWaiter = null;
  e.target.removeEventListener(e.type, handleMouseOutOfLink, false);
  if (e.type != 'mouseout')
    e.target.removeEventListener('mouseout', handleMouseOutOfLink, false);
  if (winIsTop) {
    hrefRevealer && hrefRevealer.destroy();
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function handleMouseOver(e) {
  if (window.scrolling) return;
  var et = e.target, lc = -1;
  while (et && !(et instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) && (2 > ++lc))
    et = et.parentElement;
  if (!et || !et.href) return;
  var link = et;
  if (showLinkHrefs) {
    link.addEventListener('mouseout', handleMouseOutOfLink, false);
    document.addEventListener('click', handleMouseOutOfLink, false);
    revealWaiter || (revealWaiter = setTimeout(revealHref, 100, e, link));
  if (!siteIsBlacklisted) {
    if (settings.useTPOverrideKeys) {
      var handleLinkKeyDown = function (kd) {
        if (/^www\.google\.[a-z]+$/.test(location.hostname)) {
      var handleLinkKeyUp = function (ku) {
        if (['INPUT','BUTTON','SELECT','TEXTAREA'].indexOf(ku.target.nodeName) == -1) {
      var cancelLinkKeyListeners = function (me) {
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        document.removeEventListener('keyup', handleLinkKeyUp, true);
      document.addEventListener('keydown', handleLinkKeyDown, true);
      document.addEventListener('keyup', handleLinkKeyUp, true);
      link.addEventListener('mouseout', cancelLinkKeyListeners, false);
      // link.addEventListener('mousedown', cancelLinkKeyListeners, false);
    if (rewriteGoogleLinks && link.getAttribute('onmousedown')) {
      if (link.pathname == '/url') {
        var url = (/[?&]url=([^&]+)/.exec(link.search) || [])[1];
        if (url) {
            link.href = decodeURIComponent(url);
            console.log('Link changed to', url);
function handleScroll(e) {
  if (window.scrolling) return;
  window.scrolling = true;
  setTimeout(clearScrolling, 100);
function logGlobal(msg) {
  safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('logThis', msg);
function matches(re) {
  return re.test(this);
function revealHref(evt, link) {
  revealWaiter = null;
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    statusText = 'Add "' + link.href + '" to Reading List';
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    statusText = 'Download "' + link.href + '"';
  } else {
    statusText = link.href;
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    if (siteIsBlacklisted) {
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      kickTest = evt.metaKey;
    } else {
      background = !(!evt.shiftKey !== !settings.focusLinkTarget) || selfIsReader;
      kickTest = link.willKick(evt);
    if (link.target && frameNames.indexOf(link.target) > -1) {
      statusText += ' (opens in "' + link.target + '")';
    } else if (kickTest) {
      statusText += ' (opens in new' + (background ? ' background ' : ' ') + (evt.altKey ? 'window)' : 'tab)');
  if (winIsTop) {
    hrefRevealer = new StatusBox(statusText, evt.clientX, evt.clientY).show();
  } else {
    var message = { msgStr: statusText, mouseX: evt.clientX, mouseY: evt.clientY };
    safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('handleLinkMouseOver', message);
function setIpAddIndicator(state) {
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      var ibo = 10;
      var iv = setInterval(function() {
        ibo -= 2;
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function showPrefsBox(coords) {
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var settings          = {};
var safariVersion     = /\bSafari\/(\d+)\b/.exec(navigator.appVersion)[1];
var frameNames        = (window.name) ? [window.name] : [];
var showLinkHrefs     = false;
var hrefRevealer      = null;
var revealWaiter      = null;
var siteIsBlacklisted = false;
var selfIsReader      = location.protocol == 'safari-reader:';
var winIsTop          = (window == window.top);
var bottomOffset      = (/^cksfe_fwin/).test(window.name) ? 22 : 0;
var positionOverride  = {};
var rewriteGoogleLinks;

const tpoModChars = /[AaSsDdFfJjKkLl:;]/;
const gHostnameRe = /^(encrypted|www)\.google(\.[a-z]+)+$/;

safari.self.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false);
safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('passSettings', {
  url      : window.location.href,
  hostname : window.location.hostname
if (window.name || /developer.apple.com\/.*\/#documentation/.test(location.href)) {
  safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('whoAreMyFellowFrames?', window.name);
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', handleContextMenu, false);
window.addEventListener('mouseover', handleMouseOver, false);

And, siteprefs.js

function initialize() {
	var settings = {};
	safari.self.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false);
	document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
		if (e.which == 27) closeMe();
	}, false);
	document.getElementById('filterArea').addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
		if (e.which == 27) this.blur();
	}, false);
function closeMe() {
function focusTab(idx) {
	var prefTabs = document.querySelectorAll('.prefTab');
	for (var i=0; i < prefTabs.length; i++) {
		prefTabs[i].className = prefTabs[i].className.replace(' active','');
	prefTabs[idx].className += ' active';

	var prefPanes = document.querySelectorAll('.prefPane');
	for (var i=0; i < prefPanes.length; i++) {
		prefPanes[i].className = prefPanes[i].className.replace(' active','');
	prefPanes[idx].className += ' active';

	safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('saveLastPrefPane', idx);
function getSetting(cid) {
	var control = document.getElementById(cid);
	if (control.type === 'checkbox') {
		return control.checked;
	} else {		// control is a <select>
		var cval = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value;
		return (
			cval === ''  ? null      : 
			cval === '?' ? undefined :
			cval * 1
function handleHotkeyDown(e) {
	switch (e.which) {
		case 27:	// escape
		case  8:	// backspace
		case 13:	// enter
		case 32:	// space
		case 37:	// left
		case 38:	// up
		case 39:	// right
		case 40:	// down
		case  9:	// tab
		case 16:	// shift
		case 17:	// ctrl
		case 18:	// option
		case 91:	// command-left
		case 93:	// command-right
function handleHotkeyFocus(e) {
	setTimeout(function () {
	}, 10);
function handleMessage(msg) {
	switch (msg.name) {
		case 'receivePrefs': {
			settings = msg.message;
			console.log('settings:', settings);
			if (settings.hostname === 'nohost') {
				document.getElementById('localTab').style.display = 'none';
			} else {
				var siteLabel = document.getElementById('siteLabel');
				siteLabel.textContent = settings.hostname;
			document.getElementById('prefPaneBg').style.visibility = 'visible';
		case 'prepareToClose': {
function initAdvancedForm() {
	var hkInputs = document.querySelectorAll('input.hotkey');
	for (var hki, i = 0; i < hkInputs.length; i++) {
		hki = hkInputs[i];
		hki.value = populateHotkeyInput(hki.id);
		hki.onfocus = handleHotkeyFocus;
		hki.onmouseup = handleHotkeyFocus;
		hki.onkeydown = handleHotkeyDown;
function initFilterForm() {
	document.getElementById('filterArea').value = settings.userBlacklist.join('\n');
function initGlobalForm() {
	for (var key in settings) {
		if (key !== 'hostname' && key !== 'sitePrefs' && key !== 'lastPrefPane' && key !== 'linkBlacklist') {
			setControlValue(key, settings[key]);
function initLocalForm() {
	for (var key in settings.sitePrefs) {
		if (key !== 'hostname') {
			setControlValue('site.' + key, settings.sitePrefs[key]);
function populateHotkeyInput(inputId) {
	if (!settings[inputId]) return;
	var cStr = String.fromCharCode(settings[inputId].keyCode);
	if (!/[0-9A-Z]/.test(cStr))
		cStr = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(settings[inputId].keyIdentifier.slice(2), 16));
	if (cStr === ' ')
		cStr = 'Space';
	return cStr;
function saveTPOverrideKey(e) {
	var hotkey = {};
	var props = ['keyCode','keyIdentifier'];
	for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++)
		hotkey[props[i]] = e[props[i]];
	var message = {
		which : e.target.id,
		data  : hotkey
	settings[e.target.id] = hotkey;
	safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('saveTPOverrideKey', message);
	e.target.value = populateHotkeyInput(e.target.id);
function setControlValue(cid, value) {
	try {
		var control = document.getElementById(cid);
		if (control.type === 'checkbox') {
			control.checked = value;
		} else {		// control is a <select>
			var stringValue = (
				value === null      ? ''  :
				value === undefined ? '?' :
				value + ''
			for (var i=0; i < control.options.length; i++) {
				if (control.options[i].value == stringValue) {
					control.selectedIndex = i;
	} catch (e) {
		// console.log(e);
function submitGlobalPref() {
	var prefs = {};
	var prefName = event.target.id;
	prefs[prefName] = getSetting(prefName);
	console.log('Submitting global pref: ', prefName, prefs[prefName]);
	safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('saveGlobalPrefs', prefs);
function submitSitePref() {
	var prefs = { hostname: settings.hostname };
	var prefName = event.target.id.replace(/^site\./, '');
	prefs[prefName] = getSetting(event.target.id);
	console.log('Submitting site pref: ', prefName, prefs[prefName]);
	safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('saveSitePrefs', prefs);
function submitUrlFilters() {
	safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage('saveUrlFilters', document.getElementById('filterArea').value);

Are there any clues within this code in how this was accomplished?