A question—for people who dream in code.


Is it possible to open a Floating Web View that has an address bar?

—So you can manually input the destination url—in the floating Web View itself—every time you open it, without having to open up the BTT settings?

I asked this question over here, but no one answered. :slight_smile:


Yes. A WebView can do almost everything a web browser can do in terms of rendering HTML and executing JavaScript code.

So there’s nothing stopping you having an <input> element that accepts user-entered text (e.g. a URL), and a <button> element that, when clicked calls a JavaScript function that loads the page at the given URL into the current WebView.

Can you share a simple example? Thanks a lot.

Hey @CJK

Cool. Thanks for the reply. Do you know how to make this? I'd pay ya. (I can only "code" using "non-code" languages. CSS & Html are the extent of my knowledge.)