A couple of Cheatsheet tweaks

First off, the cheatsheet is totally amazing, I didn't know it existed until I stumbled on the thread here, it should be highlighted on the home page as it rocks!

Anyway I wanted to suggest a couple of tweaks:

  1. If we have a hyperkey setup, I wonder if [⇧][⌃][⌥][⌘] could be replaced with a single symbol to reduce clutter? Which symbol is probably the biggest problem, as there is no "official" hyper key symbol, but unicode has a lot of options to choose from: ʜ ɦ ʰ ɧ ᴴ ℎ ℋ 𝒽 𝓱 𝔥 𝖍 ℍ 𝕙 :infinity: :zap:︎ -- maybe an option to enter a character to use
  1. I use e.g. hyper+w to cycle 3 window sizes, and in my config I use a note:
    image -- but the note is not used in the cheatsheet so I end up with a cryptic "Cycle through multiple actions", could the note be used if present?

Actually for (2) I found at the bottom of each trigger you can configure custom labels already:


What does Trigger Label do, I don't see it in the cheat sheet itself?

BUG: With a laptop and an external screen (extended display), if I toggle the cheatsheet on my laptop screen (where both the mouse cursor and active app are), the cheat sheet opens on my external monitor.