5 Presets for Beginners

Hi all, I wanted to share 5 presets that I think are good for beginners to BTT. The idea is to start with presets that have high success rate, without needing a lot of tinkering with settings/sensitivity/etc. Once they become comfortable with BTT, they can then dive in to the more advanced presets we have shared in this community

I am an anesthetist, not in the tech industry, so am not a particularly tech-savvy person… so I remember feeling a little overwhelmed with the power of BTT when I first started. Hopefully this helps others similar to me.

The preset includes:

  1. 2 finger tiptap as volume control
  2. 4 finger swipe as snap to half
  3. Key sequence for text expander
  4. 4 finger tap as cmd + W
  5. Keyboard shortcut to open selected app

Beginners Presets.bttpreset (7.8 KB)

(Optional: I discuss the presets in more detail in this video)

Hey, thanks for sharing. I downloaded this and see it in my preset options. I clicked it to be active but I still do not see any of the triggers or action populate in my BTT. Any advice?

maybe you are looking at the wrong trigger section in BTT? You can choose "All Configured Triggers Overview" to get an overview about all triggers.

Thanks, checked and that wasn't it. I downloaded other presets and it worked fine. Might be something wrong with the file?

Hi Smingle -- sorry you're having trouble. I had a friend download and open the presets and they worked for him. Can you provide a few screenshots of what you're seeing?

I also ran into the same issue when I downloaded it from the link above. Then, I watched the video and downloaded the preset from the video subscriber email, which worked!!


Just so the devs know, that link didn't work either on my system. I just downloaded BTT today and "installed" the presets, but nothing showed under All Configured Triggers Overview. The link provided by @pinkgalaxy did work to load the presets.

BTT 4.478

|Model Name:|MacBook Pro|
|Model Identifier:|Mac15,6|
|Model Number:|MRX43LL/A|
|Chip:|Apple M3 Pro|
|Total Number of Cores:|12 (6 performance and 6 efficiency)|
|Memory:|18 GB|