I had a function for a year that worked and suddenly today it stopped. I updated BTT to the latest version, closed and opened it...and the function still isn't working. The other ones seem to work, but not that one.
I'm on a Macbook Pro M1 Max Sonoma 14.7.2. The function simply opens two windows to different folder locations and moves one of them to my second screen. Any suggestions how I could get this working again? Thanks for your help.
try to export it to a file (right-click, export to file) , if you attach that here i can check whether anything is wrong
The trigger config looks fine and seems to work ok here.
Does it show up in the "Recently Used" section when you try to do a three finger swipe?
It does appear to be showing up in the Recently used. And what it is doing is opening the Downloads folder, but it's not opening the second folder/window. That seems to be where it's breaking. And it worked perfectly for about the past year, so it's odd that it just stopped.
It's still only opening one window instead of two.