2 questions about Launching Apps: Pause Until and Open in Different Spaces

Every morning I Open multiple apps in sequence, for example Bear Notes, DevonThink, Scrivener, etc

1- pause until
Perhaps because the apps are involve large databases, my Mac crashes when the apps are opened too quickly. In other words, I have to open an app > pause until it is at the front > open next app, etc
Is this possible with BTT?

2- open in space
I open most apps in the main space (1) , but some app I open in space 2 or 3. Is this possible with BTT ?

Thank you for your time and help


For 1st one - the easiest way I can think of is to use one of the following actions:
Wait For Text To Appear On Screen OR

Wait For Image To Become Visible On Screen
& Move Mouse

But this will mean that you pretty much should wait and do nothing. You might also need to add some delay.

Maybe there's a more intelligent way, but if you are OK with this, you can try it.

For question 2 - you can try with any of these actions:
Move Window One Space/Desktop Right
Move Window One Space/Desktop Left
Move Right a Space
Move Left a Space

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I will try all your suggestions. Thank you very much !