Key Sequences buggy on new M3 MBP

I've been a happy BTT user for years, and my setup had been rock-solid on my Intel MBP. Recently I converted over to a new M3 MPB and am having 2 problems with the key sequences that I imported over from the old Intel box.

PROBLEM 1: I have a key sequence where I type 'fwf' and it should produce (type) the following 3 lines:



But when I type this into a dialog box within my browser, I get a mixed bag with random characters missing. Here is a sampling of me trying 5 different times in succession:








PROBLEM 2: I have several other key sequences to quickly print out my username, email address, etc. These work fine on this Mac. But when I am using Citrix Workspace on the same Mac to login to a remote Windows virtual machine, the same sequences end up incomplete. I have the checkbox for "Delete typed characters after recognition" checked. Sometimes BTT deletes all the characters expect the first one, other times it deletes them all but the last one. It is like a timing thing where the delete operation is happening before the cursor has had a chance to move.

Again, both of these used to work flawlessly on the Intel Mac and I used them almost daily. I feel like I may have encountered problem 2 a long time back and was somehow able to find a workaround, but I haven't been able to figure anything out this time around. Thanks for any help.

lol, the forum ate my sample 3 lines as it interpreted them literally. Let me see if I can post them again.



Wrap your code in ``` to make it render here (markdown)

Typing special characters can be problematic. Have you tried the paste option instead?

Unfortunately a recent macOS update broke BTT's Citrix support. I was only able to fix it partially. I currently don't have a solution to that ;-(

Thanks for the quick reply. I know I originally had the sequence pasting instead of typing. At the time I am sure there was a good reason for me to switch to typing as a workaround for some other problem, but it was so long ago I can't remember why. I think it may have had something to do with the BTT Clipboard/Pasteboard History (which I use religiously). I can switch back to pasting and see how it goes.

Bummer about the citrix part. I am experimenting with changing my key sequences there to using Keyboard Shortcuts and so far it seems to be working ok. I just have to retrain my brain to remember the new shortcuts. Thanks.

For the Citrix thing you can try to enable this option, but I'm not sure whether it will help in your case:

I just tried the



example using the "typing" option many times (in Text Edit), but haven't observed any lost characters yet. Could you check whether any process is using a lot of CPU when this happens? (>= 100%, i.e. a full core)
Do the lost characters only happen in some apps?

That particular setting does not appear to make a difference within Citrix. But... I just switched a handful of my sequences over from "typing" to "pasting" and that seems to be behaving quite well, even within the Citrix VM!
Hopefully whatever issue that caused me to switch from "pasting" to "typing" way back then is gone forever. Thanks for the replies.
I would be lost without BTT.

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Just donwloaded BTT yesterday and am coming from TextExpander...I think I might be having the same issue that jjmaps is describing here.

The top of the image is what I am expecting, and the bottom, or variations thereof, is what I'm getting when I use the trigger rbl in VS Code. Also, I want the cursor to be placed on line 2 (move cursor to the left 4 spaces), and that seems to mess things up more.

The output actually varies a fair amount in VS Code, but seems to work fine in other apps.


I missed the last part of your reply here. No, cpu is good (in fact, the cpu on the old Intel was very often running hot at +100% and BTT never had an issue there). And yes, from what I see the lost characters only seem to happen so far when working in a browser window. If I try the same key sequence within a Terminal it seems fine.

that’s interesting. Maybe BTT is typing too fast for them. VSCode being browser based would also fit in.

I’ll add an option to define a typing delay, maybe that helps - at least for figuring out what happens

@jjmaps what browser were you using? Is it also a Chromium based one (like VSCode is)? (I can't seem to reproduce it right now on macOS 14.4.1)

[aside] Is the VS Code desktop app browser based? I know certainly is, but I presumed the app is local. [/aside]

it‘s running locally but uses a chromium browser engine to render

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You are on to something there. Yesterday I was using Chrome. Today I just reproduced it in Chrome again, but then opened the same page in Safari and BTT types it out fine.