Work in progress and alpha features

Ah this indicates that the processes are not launched. I'll have a look!

It's running 4 of them. Is that normal?

Yes, that's normal. (Allows for multiple Apple Scripts be executed at the same time. Due to a restriction with Apple Scripts one process can only handle one at a time)

Still they don't seem to be working, otherwise switching off background execution wouldn't help.

My machine is currently busy, will check as soon as I can use Xcode again :slight_smile:

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@rishifter unfortunately I can't seem to reproduce this usse here, did you try to restart BTT?

Yes. Both BTT and macOS. I noticed something else today. My Covid dashboard has 10 different scripts fetching number which failed as well. When I realised the tracker was down, I updated the tracker but even then the scripts wouldn't refresh. When I unchecked the same run in background for each of them they started running again. Although, one thing different was that checkbox wasn't sticky, after I hit saved, it went back to being checked. I didn't care as the scripts started running again. So may be something about that checkbox is buggy perhaps?

Weird, maybe some script is crashing the script runners. (Running scripts in background is much better, thus this should always used if possible).

Could you maybe go to Help => Export Diagnostic Debug Information and send the result to This would probably allow me to reproduce the issue.


Super glad text transformer functions are now available in BTT and with the support of JS! Love it, thank you - will certainly play with it a bit more soon <3

Yep, I'm sure they can be improved further, I think there are quite a few cool things that could make us of them. I need to check how to integrate canvas into the JavaScriptCore framework, so image manipulation becomes feasible.

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hi Andreas i got few questions,

any way to hide loading indicator of wkwebview? its visible when floating view starting to load

tell application "BetterTouchTool" to is_true_tone_enabled
i guess this one only returns true or false, is that possible to add another return type (null or something) for recognising unsupported models

connect to bluetooth device trigger freezes MCC when i click for a 2-3 second, any way to ignoring BTT to respond


Hi @Andreas_Hegenberg, BTT_PRESET_PATH is not working in named triggers, can you reproduce this issue?

can you provide an example? It should depend on the assigned action, not on the trigger type, but maybe some specific call sequence that doesn’t work?

Sorry for being unclear, I mean BTT_PRESET_PATH is not working in the assigned AppleScript action of named triggers.

BTT_PRESET_PATH wroks in JS, but BTT_PRESET_PATH_ESCAPED is still not escaped.

shell script actions work just fine

BUG IS BACK in last few updates: Close button does not process, audio continues to play (if webview was audio/video) and only restarting BTT stops the process.

FLOATING WEBVIEW: Close button on Bezel, and using the touchbar button to close should also terminate process. As of 3.300, both methods do not close process.

Damn that's when I switched to the new Xcode. Must be something deep down as I haven't touched the Web View stuff lately.

I'll look into it!

Uh that was a weird one, but I think it is fixed in v 3.373 alpha!

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Looks to be resolved...

Quick request for Fixed Width Widgets:

"Truncate Middle" and "Widen Widget Width" would be great

Seems the issue is still not resolved in 3.373...

I also noticed that a empty Finder group is created when we create a new Master Preset, and it's not deletable in BTT, unless manually modify the .bttpreset file😂