What to-do app do Andreas and the team use? I'm using TickTick, and it's not AppleScriptable šŸ™ƒ

What to-do app do Andreas and the team use? I'm using TickTick, and it's not AppleScriptable :upside_down_face:

I can't answer for Andreas and the team, but OmniFocus is very good with AppleScript. There is a rich collection of scripts to add functionality, and you can customize connections to other apps pretty well. I have created scripts that will integrate it better with MS Outlook (classic version), and Keep It.

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I just tried OF but it's very powerful but a bit complicated and expensive :sweat_smile: BTW thanks for the suggestion. @Andreas_Hegenberg Any recommendation would be appreciated. :pray:

sorry Iā€˜m of no help here, I only use Apple Notes