🆕 [v3.6.9] AquaTouch – The Powerful Touch Bar Redesign.

I'm using AQT for a while now and I've made some modifications to meet my needs.

Theses modifications includes new apps support and in order to make it work I added the names of the apps in the Unsupported Apps group conditions and I was wondering if anyone know if these conditions are in the AQT preset or in the preset the where made. (so when updating AQT I would still keep the new conditions)



1password button added to my list! You can probably copy-paste GoldenChaos's one into the QuickApps or Quick Strip itself if you wish.

Locations are
"QuickStrip" for adding it to the QuickStrip,
"QuickStrip Widgets" for adding it into the QuickStrip Menus.

Strange as AQT should auto-close on that setting... Check:

Wow! Very curious for what you have added. If you're comfortable could I have a copy of what you've added? Maybe if the additions are good for all people i can add it in to AQT itself with credit!

As for the apps list i think the one on the top of this post is fairly accurate.

One thing you might consider is to put your modifications in your own seperate preset and set both AQT and this custom preset as active. Read more about this in the AQT help (open BTT and tap it in the touchbar)


Are there any plans to support other Microsoft apps such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.?

Also, I'm playing around with the Music and Spotify scripts (the one where if clicked, will show the song bar and allows you to scroll). However, when I paste it into a separate preset (along with their respective folders), it keeps trying to open Music and Spotify apps. Any idea why, and can I fix this?

The modifications i've made are mostly for my own preferences and app usage and I don't think it would apply to everyone yet! I just wanted a better way to update AQT without having to change every settings I've adapted.

One thing I would suggest though is the finder button in the QuickApps group. When I used it it was always opening 2 windows at once and I found a much reliable way to do the same. I've changed the behavior to "Send shortcut to specific app" and then send cmd+n to Finder.app.

One other thing that is really helpful to me is the Clipboard Manager Widget. I've created a control modifier group with this widget in so when I hold control in any applications I have access to my clipboard history.

I don't know if I've messed up something but since i've updated to the latest release i'm not able to toggle between BTT touch bar and mac touchbar with the fn key. I see the touchbar changing but it return right back to BTT.

Well I tried copying 1Password (using the move in BTT), and somehow it did not work and now it's gone from GoldenChaos. WHOOPS! haha.

how can I disable AQT 3.5.8 update notifications? whenever I open my Mac I get the notification and I'm not ready to update yet


Currently the main focus is stability, and adding Catalina features.
Doesn't microsoft office already have decent touchbars? I personally use iWork instead of office so correct me if i'm wrong, but what do you think is missing in office's touchbars?


If you're modifications are added, there's a way to keep them seperate from AQT and let BTT combine it, which means you can update with relative ease.

This doesn't work however if you modify AQT itself, such as editing/removing its widgets.

Have you seen the tip in the usage manual? The instructions there aren't that clear I know but its a start. If you need more help then just ask me

Strange your FN key is working like that.. Check the trigger in the [key sequences] input method, that's where the fn tap is.

Currently, this is the FN tap trigger, copy-paste it in

    "BTTTriggerType" : 624,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Please Select a Trigger ",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeySequence",
    "BTTPredefinedActionType" : 188,
    "BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Toggle BetterTouchTool Touch Bar",
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
    "BTTRepeatDelay" : 0,
    "BTTUUID" : "40DD1D9E-7416-49D8-BCBB-6C847BE9E13C",
    "BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTModifierMode" : 0,
    "BTTOrder" : 0,
    "BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
    "BTTKeySequence" : {
      "BTTPauseBetween" : 0.17821691176470592,
      "BTTKeyCount" : 2,
      "BTTKeySequenceDownKeys" : [
          "BTTKEYCharacter" : "fn ",
          "BTTKEYCode" : 63,
          "BTTKEYDown" : 1,
          "BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
          "BTTKEYRequired" : 1
      "BTTKeySequenceMixedKeys" : [
          "BTTKEYCharacter" : "fn ",
          "BTTKEYCode" : 63,
          "BTTKEYDown" : 1,
          "BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
          "BTTKEYRequired" : 1
          "BTTKEYCharacter" : "fn ",
          "BTTKEYCode" : 63,
          "BTTKEYRequired" : 1
      "BTTKeySequenceUpKeys" : [
          "BTTKEYCharacter" : "fn ",
          "BTTKEYCode" : 63,
          "BTTKEYRequired" : 1


oops! ahah, I'll check it out and see what I can do then. It might be a little wait. If I can pull it off i might be able to hand you a widget that you can paste in.


Should be in AQT settings, you can get to it by opening BTT configuration, then swiping the touchbar.


Try copy-paste this, its a 1password button that just fires ⌘/ from what i've seen in GC.
I don't have 1password myself so tell me how it goes

    "BTTTouchBarButtonName" : "1Password",
    "BTTTriggerType" : 629,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Touch Bar button",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchBar",
    "BTTPredefinedActionType" : -1,
    "BTTPredefinedActionName" : "No Action",
    "BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
    "BTTShortcutToSend" : "55,42",
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : -1,
    "BTTRepeatDelay" : 0,
    "BTTUUID" : "5E5FBCA3-CCFF-45D0-9674-089037685815",
    "BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTModifierMode" : 3,
    "BTTOrder" : 10,
    "BTTDisplayOrder" : 3,
    "BTTMergeIntoTouchBarGroups" : 1,
    "BTTTriggerConfig" : {
      "BTTTouchBarButtonCornerRadius" : 6,
      "BTTTouchBarFreeSpaceAfterButton" : 0,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonColor" : "59.000000, 59.000000, 59.000000, 255.000000",
      "BTTTouchBarItemPlacement" : 2,
      "BTTTouchBarAppleScriptStringRunOnInit" : false,
      "BTTTouchBarAlwaysShowButton" : false,
      "BTTScriptType" : 0,
      "BTTTouchBarScriptUpdateInterval" : 2,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonWidth" : 100,
      "BTTTouchBarItemIconHeight" : 22,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonTextAlignment" : 0,
      "BTTTouchBarAlternateBackgroundColor" : "59.000000, 59.000000, 59.000000, 255.000000",
      "BTTTouchBarAppleScriptUsePath" : 0,
      "BTTTBWidgetWidth" : 400,
      "BTTTouchBarItemIconWidth" : 22,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonName" : "1Password",
      "BTTTouchBarButtonFontSize" : 15,
      "BTTTouchBarIconTextOffset" : 5,
      "BTTTouchBarOnlyShowIcon" : true,
      "BTTTouchBarAppleScriptString" : "if application \"1Password Extension Helper\" is running or application \"1Password 7\" is running then\r\treturn \" \"\relse\r\treturn \" \"\rend if",
      "BTTTouchBarItemPadding" : -8

@yuuiko I see. I'll take a look at the Office touchbars again.

Also, when I pasted the Music and Spotify scripts (the widget which opens the touchbar group "Lcl Music Seek") into a seperate touchbar preset, it seems to keep forcing the Music and Spotify apps to open. Do you know how I can fix this?


Make sure you wrap the code up with

if spotify is running then 
--widget stuff here
end if 

Applescript will try to open the app whenever it detects a request being sent to that app. if you don't check if the app is open first, When BTT runs the applescript every two seconds to refresh the widget, if you try to close spotify the widget will open the app again

@yuuiko Which specific widget is causing that problem? I can't seem to find it. The only widgets I'm using are from the AquaTouch preset

That did it!! Thank you so much!! I did have to tweak the trigger, since mine is CMD+/ not CMD+, but that was easy enough.

Now, on a totally different note, there seems to be a weird bug with the music scrubber.

I had Music.app open, clicked the track title in the TouchBar to bring up the scrubber, and it seemed to span beyond the actual touchable space. this means I can't actually scrub to the end of the track.

You can see what I mean here: http://schoal.es/TF9gQT

The thing is, when I pull up Quick Media strip, everything looks/functions as it should.


May be because I'm running a digital escape key touchbar and forgot that layout when adapting to the newer touchbars. Will see what I can do, thanks!


Not too sure you'd need to go through them. Try disabling all of them and enabling them one by one to see whats the issue.

The main point is you need to check if spotify is open first, before continuing.

if spotify is not open and you script tell spotify to get title of current song then spotify will open.

Since we need to refresh the widget every so often to keep it up to what's happening, that would fire about once every two seconds depending on how fast you set the refresh rate.

When you close spotify, the widget for it may remain visible for a short amout of time and thus fire the script, opening spotify again.

To solve this you should add if spotify is running around the whole script to check if spotify is open before asking it to do anything to stop it from re-opening it if its closed

If you aren't familliar with code then:

Try disabling all of them and enabling them one by one to see whats the issue.

and send me the one that makes it reopen spotify and I can take a look

@yuuiko After looking through the scripts for all the widgets, all of them seem to have:

    if application "Music" is running then
         [code here]
    end if

attached to the beginning and end of them. I can't seem to find which one is causing the problem. Any pointers?

try disable all the music widgets, if it still happens while they're disabled it might be some other widget or another enabled preset

@yuuiko After doing this it seemed to not be the AQT widgets. It seemed to be the control center preset but I am not 100% sure.


On my end my widget seem to be fine regarding app re-opening, especially for music...
You might need to keep disabling widgets to find out which one is causing it

OH! maybe the Quick Music one is causing it. Looking into it.

Are you using just AQT or are you using the widgets in your own setup?

@yuuiko I am using the widgets in my own preset. Thanks for your help

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