Tutorial / New Feature: Text Selection Did Change Trigger

Doesn't seem to work in Sublime

macOS 14.7.1

I have been using it a lot with sublime, but I‘m on macOS 15. I‘ll do some tests with macos 14 soon!

//edit: I think I can see why it doesn’t work in your video. That should be an easy fix.


5.079 fixes a few things (uploading now)

This preset adds a new example "Open Link" that shows how to create floating menu items that are only visible for specific text selections. It only shows if it finds a link in the selected text and then allows you to open that link.

text-selection-menu5.bttpreset (105.6 KB)

Unfortunately still not working

which version of sublime are you running?

can you check again with 5.080? maybe it's a timing issue on different machines (Sublime doesn't support scripting, thus BTT and similar apps need to simulate the standard copy command to get the selected text)

Fixed in v5.080


great, thanks for testing!

Tomorrow I‘ll make the example preset a bit more useful & better looking :wink:

It's not working in de ChatGPT client app

good point, I have added support for this type of ui in 5.081 (uploading)

//edit, sorry 5.082 it is

works :tada:

ah but it seems to cause issues with right click, should be fixed in 5.083 :wink: Many edge cases to handle but I'll get there!

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I notice the menu popping up in places I don't expect it, e.g. sliders in the awesome ffmpeg tool FF•Works:


I have updated to the latest 5.083 and also updated your latest presets. Now there is a problem. I have another application that also enables the function of popping up a floating menu when text is selected, similar to PopClip. Now when I select text, the floating menu triggered by BTT will cause the floating menu popped up by other applications to close automatically. Please optimize.

bug:在tabby 终端中,无法选中文本,全中会被自动取消。
Bug: In the Tabby terminal, text cannot be selected. Selection is automatically canceled.
I still can't disable the trigger. Only by quitting btt.


5.084 adds compatibility with many apps and fixes various false positive triggers


this preset combined v5.085 improves the smoothness of the menu showing:
text-selection-menu6.bttpreset (103.1 KB)

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Updated 5.085 and used the latest presets. I found that the floating menu cannot pop up in some applications, such as vivaldi, obsidian, word, 5.083 seems to be OK.

weird for me 5.085 has been working in all apps so far (including vivaldi and word). Maybe it's something related to the system language, which language is your macOS set to?