Trigger "Activate/Bring to Front Window Under Cursor" is not reliable


I use "Trigger" such as Actionxx and assign actions to launch app but if a window (ex : Safari) is already showed, the app is hidden by this window.

I added a second action "Activate/Bring to Front Window Under Cursor" but the app keeps behind window. I tried "Show/hide Specific application" of app launched, but it keeps behind again sometimes.

**Affected input device : MacBook Trackpad


Device information:

  • Type of Mac : Macbook air 2015
  • macOS version : 10.13.5
  • BetterTouchTool version : 2.513 (850)

You probably need to add a little delay between the actions to make sure the app had enough time to start.


I'am going to test this idea.

It opens app, brings it to front of window showed (ex: Safari) but hides it after xx seconds.


I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but I don't think you need the show/hide action because the launch action already makes the app frontmost. Or am I missing something?

yes I agree but sometimes, the app launched, hides itself behind window showed (activated or not).
It happens also if app has been launched before. it keeps behind main window showed.

I tested again but app launched keeps behind window already showed and/or activated.
I added "Activate/Bring to Front Window Under Cursor" or "Show/hide Specific application" but the is the same result.

May you send to you, log file ?

Unfortunately a log probably won't help here as the app launches are completely handled by the system and the system default is to bring the newly launched app to front.

Do you maybe have some other app that could conflict with app launches? I have never heard of any issues with that during the last 8 years :frowning:

this bug happens with all app from BetterTouchTool's Assigned Action shortcut launcher

I test new alpha 2.523 (861) version without second action and it seems working better.