Timemachine in touchbar?

Does anyone has an idea to incorporate the timemachine in the touchbar?
I would like to have feedback about:

  • Percentage of backup process
  • Date of latest backup
  • Button to start backup now


I've done something like that. It's not a perfect version but a quick hack, although I suppose it can be a good start for you.

It uses a named trigger with a ruby script for showing the info in the menubar, and a shell script for mounting my usb disk, making the backup and unmounting it. The shell script is executed when you click the menubar item.

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-07 a las 10.33.57

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-07 a las 10.36.39

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-07 a las 10.37.13

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-07 a las 10.37.48

timemachine.bttpreset (7.3 KB)
timemachine_scripts.zip (994 Bytes)

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I just saw that you asked for the touchbar, not the menubar, sorry. I still think that you can use my idea for the touchbar, I'll try to do a preset for that.


Thanks, I will try to convert it to the touchbar.