Text Replacement with App "TypeIt4me" Does not work

Text Replacement with App "TypeIt4me" Does not work.

When I type the shortcut of "Typeit4me" myself it works, however not when I select BTT: "insert text > insert text by typing".

What is even more confusing: Text replacement works for Text Replacements I directly did inside Apple Text Replacement options.

Does anyone have Typeit4me and could test out what might be the reason that BTT cannot trigger shortcuts of Typeit4me. I dont want to rewrite the shortcuts within BTT again... I would like to save time, by just triggering the shortcuts of typeit4me.

Latest regular Versions of BTT and typeit4me (OSX 10.14.6). Thank you.

This won’t work because both of these apps work at the same level, typeit4me will not see anything that is sent from BTT using this method ;-(

You could do the text replacement with BTT itself

Oh no, thaks for clarifying, spent my whole morning for that... Well That is sad. I just texted the support of typeit4me, maybe they can do a workaround in order to see things sent from BTT? Would be great to have a workaorund. Otherwise I have no other option ti set the replacements up in BTT myself. Thanks