Spotify specific now playing script

@yuuiko would you be able to paste the script to the now playing widget specific to Spotify from AquaTouch? For some reason, the song title and artist would show up for about 5 seconds then disappear from the touch bar completely. I began to fiddle with the script, but have gone in over my head.. If I could get the original script from the preset to copy in that'd be super helpful.

@yuuiko bump

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the bump!! I missed this one...

I've had some users with the same issue and I took a quick look, from that it seems the fault is on spotify, it appears to only be reporting the song in the first few seconds then returns a blank

It was a quick look though and I'm very busy right now so I didn't get to go much deeper

If you get anything workin do let me know!

set haserror to false

if application "Spotify" is running then
		tell application "Spotify"
				if player state is playing then
					set sName to (get name of current track)
					set sArtist to (get artist of current track)
					--return sArtist
					if sArtist is not "" then
						set nowPlaying to sName & "  —  " & sArtist
						set nowPlaying to sName
					end if
					set artworkURL to artwork url of current track
					set fileName to ((((path to application support folder from user domain) as text) & "BetterTouchTool:" as text) & "spotify_cover.png")
					set sNamePlist to ""
					set sArtistPlist to ""
					set plistfile_path to ((((path to application support folder from user domain) as text) & "BetterTouchTool:" as text) & "spotify_playing.plist")
					set returnText to "{\"text\":\"" & nowPlaying & "\",\"font_color\":\"0,251,170,255\",\"icon_path\":\"" & (POSIX path of fileName as text) & "\" }"
					-- read the plist file
					tell application "System Events"
							if file plistfile_path exists then
								tell property list file plistfile_path
									tell contents
										set sNamePlist to value of property list item "sName"
										set sArtistPlist to value of property list item "sArtist"
									end tell
								end tell
							end if
							if (sName is sNamePlist) and (sArtist is sArtistPlist) then
								--return "Found it!"
								return returnText
							end if
						on error
							set haserror to true
						end try
					end tell
					if (sName is not sNamePlist) or (sArtist is not sArtistPlist) then
						tell application "System Events"
								-- create an empty property list dictionary item
								set the parent_dictionary to make new property list item with properties {kind:record}
								-- create new property list file using the empty dictionary list item as contents
								set this_plistfile to ¬
									make new property list file with properties {contents:parent_dictionary, name:plistfile_path}
								make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
									with properties {kind:string, name:"sName", value:sName}
								make new property list item at end of property list items of contents of this_plistfile ¬
									with properties {kind:string, name:"sArtist", value:sArtist}
							on error
								set haserror to true
							end try
						end tell
						do shell script "curl " & artworkURL & " -o ~/Library/Application\\ Support/BetterTouchTool/spotify_cover.png"
						return returnText
						--return nowPlaying
					end if
					--display infomation while paused
					return "{\"text\":\"" & nowPlaying & "\",\"font_color\":\"120,120,120,255\",\"icon_path\":\"" & (POSIX path of fileName as text) & "\" }"
					--return returnText & "  —  Paused"
				end if
			on error
				set haserror to true
			end try
		end tell
	end try
	return "Spotify"
end if

if haserror is true then
		if sArtist is not "" then
			return "{\"text\":\"" & sName & "  —  " & sArtist & "\",\"font_color\":\"0,251,170,255\"}"
			return "{\"text\":\"" & sName & "\",\"font_color\":\"0,251,170,255\"}"
		end if
	on error
		return "Spotify"
	end try
end if

Has it been modified?
I'm still suffering from this problem.

No, not yet sorry. Been swimming in assessments latley so haven't gotten the chance for AQT updates... A break might be coming soon but I'm not sure