I use the "Action: Show / Hide Specific Application:" to launch/hide some of my apps such as finder, VScode, browser, terminal etc. But I am experiencing this behaviour where whenever I press the hotkey my computer switches to the next desktop and then switches back after a second to launch the app.
This doesn't happen all the time, sometimes it just launches immediately as it should. Which is why I found it strange. I have tried to experiment and see exactly when this is happening, and noticed that when I close the app using cmd + w and open it using my set hotkey (opt + t for terminal) this will happen often. But not all the time. I tried to do it with VScode open in the background (like in the video) and it happened. But if I do this exact same thing but instead I am using something like Chrome running in background as main window instead, it will not happen.
I did notice that finder seem to be launching for a split second (see top left menubar) in the background when a "show" hotkey is triggered, but only in some apps, so I believe that might be related to issue.
Also it seem to happen mainly after closing the apps using cmd + w. Hiding or quitting the app doesn't seem to trigger this.
Any idea why this is happening? I have tried to mess around with the different options, unfortunately without any success.
BTT trigger settings: